Category: drupal-import

  • Me with a village child

    New child from nearby village has joined “Aarohi”. I was very cautious. I was not sure whether I will be able to treat him the same way like other children or not? Here the point in my mind was sympathy. I did not want to facilitate him keeping in my mind his background. He was…

  • React reflect learn

    I started my journey as facilitator in Aarohi two years back. When I joined, every single day I used to ask other faculty: Is everything ok? What else I need to do? How am I doing? Etc….I was not getting any answers to these questions. Yes I was getting SUPPORT. In my journey I am…

  • Meet an author

    One day as I sat looking through magic hive fb page, I saw Pika Nani. The name itself caught my attention. On further going through it I realized she was an author. Her first book was published and she was interacting with different children. Zooooooom the mail went to her to invite her to Aarohi.…

  • What is writing

    As part of exploring writing as the weekly objective each one had to write what does writing mean to you. This is what the mixed age response was- One 5 year old had to say- Take a nice paper. Write on that lines -like any lines. If somebody tells me something I should write that.…

  • Learning Language

    Hi, Meet Vaishali who came to our live station. She has done her TTT and she had come to meet our Amable team. She mentioned was learning Mandrian. As you know for us evey person/situation is a learning opprotunity and we immediately latched on to her and asked her she could come for a live…

  • Go Cycling…

    When Raghunandan Uncle was sharing his passion for cycling, we were all transported into the adventurous world of cycling. Raghunandan Uncle told about his 1st long distance cycling experience to Nandi Hills in 1989 and then his subsequent expeditions to the Western Ghats and to Sikkim. He told us the nitty gritty of cycling- how…

  • Journey with Rhythms & Instruments

    Last week we explored our music genie objective of Rhythms & Instruments. Children’s experiences and expressions were reflecting their own journey into the world of Rhythms & Instruments. So they shared with each other… What is Rhythm? it is a pattern it is repetitive when heard it sounds like a song rhythm makes music music…

  • No Parking Zone & Awareness

    As I was waiting for the children to get ready to go to the ground on Wednesday morning, I saw one Aarohi child in a car which slowed down at the building gate…but did not stop and no body alighted. The car went further and turned. After 2-3 minutes, mother and the child were seen…

  • Aarohi Government – Coming in and Going out

    In OPEN HOUSE – we explored – Monarchy, Autocracy, Dictatorship and Democracy. We reflected and worked on “coming and going out” process at Aarohi. This all began with “can a child by birth inherit faculty role like in Monarchy ?”. COMING IN Criteria – All to understand Aarohi. FACULTY – If you are joining as…

  • Aarohi Government – Decision Making

    We added one more chapter in making of Aarohi government. First we understood about Monarchy in open house – we watched a video of Mughal-e-Azam, read history books on kings and rulers, we also read Amar Chitra Katha as resource. While kids were sharing about their understanding of Monarchy – one child shared “Once you…

  • Team or alone

    We recently visited Sardar Sarovar dam. During project we were discussing about how even one person can move ahead with the project. One child shared “it is not possible, for example how can the project of Sardar Sarovar can be done with one person..many many people have to work in a team”.

  • What you see

    The session began with exploring “what is composition?”. Can a photograph be composed, a painting be composed, thought be composed or expression be composed? One child shared “Photographs are not com[posed, you click what you see”

  • Elephants and Maths

    During water lab we were tracing paths of water lines and water sources at the campus. While our exploration we identified a cellular mark on the ground, Paramesh with confidence announced this is elephant’s foot mark. This brought a sensation in our exploration. We began to exploring other three foot marks, we could not. Some…

  • How does one make a zero budget, eco friendly toilet.

    How does one make a zero budget, eco friendly toilet. Simple: Dig a deep hole for the pot, hoist four sticks, wrap some old old curtains around it for toilet walls, collect some ash / saw dust for flushing (rather covering the poop) and you are ready to meditate below the clouds with soothing breeze…

  • I work on my own deadlines

    I came back from my lunch and expected a usual noise around computer terminals. In free-time, Aarohi children spend their time at terminals playing various games. Their euphoria is something that is heard and felt by the whole building and neighbours too. Today there were soundsof excitement, discussions, demand and instructions. Aarohi team was busy…

  • Thoughts after Manthan

    After reflecting in this Manthan, we would be continuing different groups and one concluding session for next Manthan. 1 Know Aarohi – Find information related to working of aarohi. 2 Understand Aarohi – Share your thoughts, concerns, doubts, ideas related to learning at Aarohi etc. 3 – Meet parent, understand parents and connect with…

  • Training and Me

    I went trhough a small pahse of “withdrawl” – I love TTT, I attended almost all the sessions, i prepared thoroughly, yet I’d try to back off as we get closer and quite willing if ratnesh or anyone else takes the session. Ratnesh was there in my mind as a back up, so would wish…

  • Love and Accidents

    During one of the open house, one child shared thoughts on kissing, “how do I know that any boy will not take advantage of me, will that be good touch or bad touch?”……….I do not exactly remember your words………….. Well, I shared my thoughts – You never know who will be honest to you or…

  • Letter for kids – News from the campus

    I have been reading a novel, called “Daddy’s long legs”. The novel is based on letters written by a (college) girl to her adopted father. I am inspired to write letters – I am beginning with writing a mail, soon will write letters. So here I go, It has been very pleasant at the campus.…

  • Elephants and Me

    I do not know when did I learned about elephants. I remember knwoing them as a mammals, four legged animals, with a tail and a trunk. Fat children in schools were called elephants. I knew elephants were found in jugle, they were categoriesd as wild animals. I had not much relationship with elephants than this.…

  • I am a facilitator

    A guide, a learner, an observer, an object in the environment. Sometimes I am with kids in their learning, their struggle, sometimes I distance myself and look at the bigger picture, sometimes I stay with minute details, sometimes I do not listen. I am available when I am needed. I withdraw myself when nor required…

  • My learning comes through me

    Many goals, many learning opportunities – variety makes our session a fun place to be. A glimpse from weekly relflection – Children shared When the kitchen lab comes in my mind, I start feeling to cook, and when I start feeling to cook, I start feeling that I will burn my hand and I am…

  • I can learn in any form

    One child shared – I worked on stitching and in that I was working on the sewing machine I read how it works and how to use and the machine itself. In solar oven project I was planning and me doing the project and why I want to take it. I had the belief that…

  • Learning is around me

    One child shared – This week I worked on library lab. I understood what library lab is then I explored the different types of books in the library. My objective was to get exposure on different types of books and explore these books through book review etc. I saw the variety of books we have…

  • I learn in many different ways

    One child shared – I made new spelling of reflection “Reflecsonito”. While making the barrier, I understood all ballies (bamboos) does not come of the same size –some were long, some were short. While making the parking I understood that all cars are not of the same size and some cars are made for special…

  • Telgu in my session

    Parmesh writes Telgu and can speak Kannda, Tamil and Telgu. He is wanting to learn english AND I can only read and write Hindi and English, I can only speak Hindi and English, I am not too keen on learning other languages, though I love listening different languages. So what happens when me and Paramesh…

  • Seek clarity

    We share planning in the morning – and and some kids speak about the planning at the end. We make calendar at the end of the week, and some kids not take responsibility, but others have to invite them to raise hands…………..similar patterns at different places by different kids led to me pondering. I decided…

  • My comfort zone

    My comfort zone is my area, like jungle for a lion, I am king here.When I see my daughter I feel she wants to be in her comfort zone.Is she trying enough? what can I do to make her try different things? If I try to push her she used to refuse things. Me and…

  • Be there

    Five year old settling in Aarohi. Many times will start with I don’t know. I don’t understand. Initially I used to try different things to see that the message went across. After some interactions I shared with the child please let me know what you know and what more you want to know. Slowly she…

  • Getting a gift

    With the chill and the festive spirit Christmas brings with it loads of joy. Santa coming and getting gifts. Wow, any age loves getting gifts. I definitely do love getting gifts. Children were looking forward to what they would get this year. The buzz of aunty what you are buying, is Santa coming, please give…