My comfort zone

My comfort zone is my area, like jungle for a lion, I am king here.When I see my daughter I feel she wants to be in her comfort zone.Is she trying enough? what can I do to make her try different things? If I try to push her she used to refuse things.

Me and my daughters joined swimming pool.My intension was let kids play and let me prictce swimming.I used to see kids were playing with water, they trying going down, trying to float.Later they started floating and wanting to come to big pool.slowly they could swim to short distance.Kasturi never wanted to go inside the water.Ketaki was trying different ways to stay inside the water.Later I observed Kasturi also started going inside.Now they are swimming on their own without coach.I was amazed and happy to see this, but to teach swimming was not my intension.They just stayed with water for some time!

Is it that there should be no itensions at all?, with kids in class or kids at home.Once Aditi said she has no intension/agenda while going in class.I was pondering on this, do I have intesions or some agenda? sometime no, sometimes yes.Having intensions , yes or no? what do you think?
