Jagriti – UnParenting, UnLearning

intro to jagriti program for parents and teachers

Jagriti started in 2002 and has reached more than 2600 parents and teachers, who are genuinely interested in opening themselves up to the world of possibilities – for children!

Facilitating is 
about some tricks or techniques or strategies
It is about deeply understanding the child and her learning and development
Providing a relationship so that child blossoms into the unique human that he or she is!
Recognizing the self-led-leader in each child and what roles we can play to nourish her.

Jagriti’s 61st batch would start on 21st June 2024 with 10 sessions conducted on zoom twice a week (Tue & Fri), evening (8pm to 10pm IST) – so that we can accommodate working, as well as non-working parents/teachers.

61st Batch Schedule – Starts 21st June 2024
  • 1 Connecting 21-Jun-24, Fri
  • 2 Empowering 25-Jun-24, Tue
  • 3 Feelings 28-Jun-24, Fri
  • 4 Self Esteem 02-Jul-24, Tue
  • 5 Habits of Mind 05-Jul-24, Fri
  • 6 Behaviour 09-Jul-24, Tue
  • 7 Potential 12-Jul-24, Fri
  • 8 Possibilities 16-Jul-24, Tue
  • 9 Co-Facilitating 19-Jul-24, Fri
  • 10 Reflecting 23-Jul-24, Tue

Bonus Session On Sexuality and Sexual Abuse will be scheduled later based on group’s preference

Meet the co-founders of Aarohi and main facilitators of Jagriti since 2002:

Continue by checking out the conTENts of the ten sessions (statutory warning – the titles are utterly misleading):

Video testimonials from some past participants

FAQs about Jagriti Program

Jagriti means to awaken – and that is what you can expect – awaken to the unlimited possibilities for understanding your children and yourself as a parent or a teacher. Check out this slideshow:

Jagriti works on a contribution basis

The contribution scale for the Jagriti program is ₹6,666 to ₹11,111 (which means you can contribute any amount in between these two figures)
Jagriti is an experiential program that only works when participants willingly throw their hat fully into the ring. It doesn’t work if people participate sparingly, standing outside. Hence, we insist on financial contribution at the time of registration as your commitment towards the program.

Remember we do not want any parent, teacher or educator to not attend the program because of financial constraints – so do get in touch with us (WhatsApp on 72040-66694) if you need to split the contribution into installments.

Payment options would be available in the registration form

61st batch starts Friday, 21st June 2024
62nd batch starts Friday, 17th January 2025
The following key areas will be explored (sessions twice a week)
(note these keywords used below can be very misleading – as our explorations will take in many directions)

  1. UnLearning
  2. Empowerment
  3. Feelings
  4. Self Esteem
  5. Habits of Mind
  6. Behaviour & Respect
  7. Potential
  8. Possibilities
  9. Facilitating
  10. Reflecting

The ten sessions are highly interactive with loads of activities, role plays, anecdotes, stories and case-situations – across all age groups, including examples from classrooms.
The WhatsApp group is equally important – participants are expected to flame the discussions with questions, thoughts and loads of anecdotes with their children.
We share a daily bite on the group to expand or deepen the scope of each topic we’re exploring.
Expect more than you can chew, Munch more than you can digest, Explore more than what you have seen!

  • Definitely – all session recordings are saved in a YouTube playlist – even for future reference.
  • However, TRY NOT TO MISS a session – since it’s twice a week and that too online – with a little adjustment, we’re sure you can somehow attend – try to make some arrangement – attending the session live is most fun and most informative.
  • Jagriti is based on collaborative learning – and much learning happens because every participant shares their learning with each other. Call your peers and discuss the whole session with them. If in the same city, meet to discuss the session over a cup of coffee.
  • Ask lots of questions in Jagriti’s WhatsApp group and go through the reading materials shared, do all the experiments we share etc. This would cover a lot of the session too.
  • You can also attend the same session with the next batch. Once you sign up for a batch of Jagriti then you can re-attend any session any time with any batch! There are no charges for you to re-attend.

Simply put – the more effort you put in, the more you get out of the program. Typically every session will give you “food for thought” through various experiences, explorations, experiments that you can take up with your children at home. However, remember each of these are “open” and “optional” but “strongly recommended” and it purely depends on you how much time and effort you want to put in. The more the merrier:)

As of now, this is the slot (7pm to 9pm IST) we have for Jagriti – keeping all our commitments with children and community at Aarohi in mind.
We request you to discuss with your family and empower your children to support you in attending during this time slot. It’s only twice a week (Tuesdays and Fridays), that too for just five weeks.

No, we do NOT give a ‘certificate’. Please realize that the focus of the program is not the certificate – but to give you a deep understanding and comprehensive learning. Please join the program for its intrinsic value.
However, for some professional purpose if you need a letter of completion of this program – we can do so via a letter issued by Aarohi Trust. Note, we are not affiliated to any other university or organization.

You can definitely intern with Aarohi.
Anyways, to do so, first you have to join our Saturday online meetup on open learning, and then come and stay (min one week) at our campus and experience the life with Aarohi community. Then if you are interested in INTERNING with Aarohi and being part of the community – we can discuss the nature of the same.