Category: drupal-import

  • Know and No

    While planning for Grandparents day children thought of sharing about Aarohi with their grandparents.One child shared we can share about KNOW Aarohi. Another child was why do we need to say NO Aarohi. Many of us were ;looking at the child saying o Aarohi.Few shared before Manthan when we shared about KNOW Aarohi at Home…

  • Who was not listening?

    One child was talking to strangers andthis was raised as safety concern. First the child spoke and spoke about what she wanted to do, during the interaction I shared with her “you can take interview of strangers on any topic to fulfil your needs to talk with strangers” and asked her to repeat what she…

  • What I do for my resources?

    I have to do something new in my session to make my life interesting for myself . Last week, I announced “I am not bringing any resources, you fetch for your own resources”. The whole week, kids found by themselves the books from library. Last week was reading week in word intelligence. Later asked their…

  • Me and Reading

    We began the session by asking “do you want me to tell about the Reading skills?”. They wanted me to tell something new about reading. Together we read and each time we read with different focus Read for fluency Read for comprehension Read for Grammar Read to learn about a topic Read for vocabulary Read…

  • What is History

    I did not know what history is, so I took history. For me history is past – like suppose yesterday I went for Cricket match, so that is history. Like Gandhi is history, Vivekananda is history and my playing cricket match yesterday is also history, because it is past.

  • I will, I can

    A beautiful week it was with many resources to read. Variety in books was a treat for children. They picked up the book which they wanted. Stayed with it for some time, sometimes the cover of the book created the curiosity and all minds were eager to know what the content was. We read for…

  • I am Buddha

    One child drank two glasses of Bournvita and told me “I am powerful now”. I said, “I am already powerful”. He said “show me power in your hands”. I said “My power is in my mind”. He asked “are you Buddha or what?” He scanned me completely with his sharp eyes. I said “yes, I…

  • History alive

    The Trip to Chitradurga was not to teach History but to experience History. Kids had all kinds of goals “from shapes in the fort to layout of the fort”. Well, when kids came to know about that Hyder Ali, father of Tipu attacked the fort 3 times,…………….Kids were perplexed…………..British attacked Tipu, so they were enemy…

  • My way and your way

    One child was carrying a bag, which looked “messy to me”. Second day I showed him the “proper way” of carrying the bag and I realized what I have done…. To correct my action I told him “this is another way to take bag, which way you would like to take?”He looked at me with…

  • Lets not see child’s work with our expectation

    This is what happened when I commented on one of the many necklace Anagha made. While I had jewellary in my mind and expected beeds in certain order, she had a city map in her mind

  • KAA -Chitradurga

    Kings and Kingdoms 1 Location: Chitradurga Starring: Aarohi Kids On Tuesday, Aarohi children (5 to 14 yrs olds) entered Chitradurga with their own Goal. In their eyes, excitement, desire to run around for deep exploration could be seen. Inside the chitradurga fort, despite having different goals, everyone stayed together. Together they worked on individual goals…

  • My journey of exploring rhythms

    After four days journey of rhythm one child of my session shares her journey of rhythm in her own words. Read below: My Journey in exploring rhythm On day 1 I listened to a Western Classical Instrumental song composed by Mozart. I Identified the rhythm with ease and enjoyed the music. I put the rhythm…

  • Kings and Queens

    The session began with “what words come in your mind related to kings and queens. We all started throwing words in the jungle – the initial words were – kings, queens, war, ministers, kingdoms, palace, ……………………..soon more words came up like business, people, families, currency, temples, well, water systems, caring, rich, cities, civilization, trees, weather,…

  • Math Mela @i-campus

    Come and share your MATHEMATICAL passion. We plan to bringMATHSCLOSER to chidlren and families by playing withMATHS. TheMelawill have differentMathsgames to play as family, alone……… explore and construct various mathematical concepts. We will use “day to day material” – so this can be replicated at home.Melawill have something for ALL ages. TheMelawill be open for…

  • Keep doing

    This year goal for me is to work on my fine motor skills. During project time I decided to work on stitching. . I took help from one child to get the sewing machine up. He sat with me observing what all I am doing. I was thoroughly enjoying my self exploration of the machine.…

  • Build by self

    Weekly objective was thinking skills –Observation. It started with we just finished observation week what is thinking skills observation. One said use your skills and observe, one said use your mind and observe, one said just observe and observe. Well we all had our say and we were also listening to others. I just took…


    During a regular clean up of the centre, my friend found some medium size sitting floor mat in good condition. She said, we could cut and make individual working mats for the children with them. I suggested we can use these whole mat as a working mat for one whole team. She said, ok. Lets…


    I had observed a child in my previous. When some thing from his hand was taken away, he screamed and threw tantrum, even to extent of hurting himself. This week I wanted to work with this child and tried giving few materials – new and old and observe him. This child was very comfortable using…

  • We all are AMABLE!

    Last week reed plantation at the campus – it exhibited the true spirit of “AMABLE” We all had different strength, and we all worked as one group. I was pondering, this is Amable as organization is all about – all together makes the difference, noone is better or best. We all are AMABLE and we…

  • Har ek dost………..

    Train, Music, books and Friendship Train, Music, books, chips and Friendship Train, music, books, more chips and Friendship

  • Menu @ Campus

    A three old and another 9 yr old – both together making menu for the week – both together catering to everyone’s needs, bringing variety, collecting recipes and working with constraint to use local available ingredients. The 3 yr old partner, makes his own menu, as he sometimes does not like the regular menu. He…

  • Tailoring and Entrepreneurship

    If you are a beggar read thisIf you are poor read thisIf you have entrepreneurial spirits read this I was stitching curtains for the campus – one child came to me and started helping with moving the handle of sewing machine………………and started asking many questions. I was busy with my stitching, he announced “aunty lets…

  • One cycle completed

    Last Friday,i completed 1 round of working with each member of my team and with each child.It was a wonderful journey for me,from designing to facilitating, from learning to unlearning and from observing to avoiding. With Children Working with them throughout the week helped me understand,listen,know,facilitate and observe them.Last year,with my limited sessions with them…

  • Muscle Man

    Few broom sticks and few rubber bands – THAT’S ALL!!! We needed to play around and explore our muscles and use as a reflective tool. All age kids were busy building muscles man with broom stick and rubber band – identifying the muscles, which are being used and not being used in their body. When…

  • I need to listen

    One child in session was crying “I want to go to mummy, what is time, when will I go to pink house, I am feeling sleepy, I do not want to work……………..”. Day one we talked a lot about his mother “what all you do with mummy, what do you like with mummy, what is…

  • Read Read Read

    This week we explored words in different ways. Whenever kids asked me the meaning of the new words – sometimes I explained the meaning, sometimes I told the similar meaning, sometimes we guessed the meanings, sometimes I did not tell, we did not look into the dictionary or ask anyone else. We observed the usage…

  • Outdoor visit to a School in Pai Layout

    We visited a Govt school in Pai Layout Thanks to Girija Aunty, we got an opportunity to visit. We planned activities like making a book mark, doing origami, story reading, playing board games with the school children. Aarohi children planned these activities in record breaking time…all experienced working under time constraint.We reached the school and…

  • Social Relationships all around

    Even before the social relationship week went live….while I was preparing the design, I could feel myself becoming alert about the different nuances of social relationship. Different people shared with me, their understanding about social relationship which made my understanding clearer …or so I think….:0 Different stimulation activities to bring about different aspects of a…

  • Learn in different ways

    Six kids and six goals – all six had their own way of working. They choose what they wanted to do, how they wanted to do, all in one session. We had one weekly objective and this week it was “visual observation”. I played the role to bring rich resources, make environment challenging, understand their…

  • Floccinaucinihilipilification on cooking

    Floccinaucinihilipilification time(means something trivial and interesting) Faculty brings exposure to various contents during this time andin MI ways. Session detailshere