Category: drupal-import

  • Untie the Education from the school

    Why to enclose the education in a classroom when the whole world can educate me. Why not embrace a new WWW (Wide Wonderful World)

  • Magic of Community – POSSIBILITIES

    At O-campus we have two dogs and few cats and hundreds of birds and maybe millions of small ants. We are not counting everything else you can find in a five-acre rural campus, in a co-existing and co-creating community. We also find google here. When people ask us how many facilitators we have, We say…

  • Meals

    Breakfast/ Dinner at the campus (with five of us during this pandemic) is a very dynamic and happening space. While lunch is a very calm and individualistic space. We have lots of variety in our meals to take care of all the needs 0f nutrition and protein for footballers, taste buds of all…and also a…

  • Reflect to Digest – Aarohi X

    What better way to learn? I decide ~ I do ! I reflect Even in this COVID situation, we work from home and come together as a community to share and be with each other. It’s not about online, it’s about CONNECTIONS! Questioning is akin to looking for different foods, observation is eating it, REFLECTION…

  • Aarohi X – Dream – Magic of Community

    What better way to learn: I decide ~I do ~ and I reflect We began with our DREAMS – dream of what I want to do.Each one decided what they wanted to do at home – some made elaborate plans, some thought daily, some just decided to “go with the flow”.Some of the things from…

  • How to Stay Productive – Review

    The following tips/points are in no particular order What is a productive day for me? For me a productive day would be when I get a really good training session, workout and maybe a recovery session. Write/make a video about something, Do some sketching or learn something new. Normally if I am at Aarohi I…

  • Mask Making

    I got inspired to make a mask after watching this video I started to make a mask, initially, I thought that I would not be able to follow the exact dimensions – as I am more of an estimated tailor (cut and stitch by intuition rather than measurements). But then I pushed myself to…

  • I Decide @home – Planning

    I DECIDE is the process to invite the child to take the learning responsibility in his/her hands. As a family you need to rethink your images about the children – they are neither small, not big – they are they and that’s all…capable and equal partners. Once you change your images, you may change your…

  • Myth of Motivation

    Is motivation a myth?15yrs old Dhtupad sharing his notes about motivation My notes/understanding from the article WHY YOU DON’T NEED MOTIVATION TO TRAINMotivation is like the weather, sometimes it’s raining and hailing heavily some times it’s bright and sunny. You can’t control your motivation it comes and goes whenever it feels like it (Unless you…

  • Aarohi X – Cocreation

    Education is not about outsourcing, but about CO-CREATING. The need for Aarohi-X arose from the situation of social distancing. We began the process by finding the needs of the children and the parents in the community. We came together several times (online) to listen to understand and co-create the Aarohi-X. X stands for extending the…

  • Why planning?

    Planning is a process, a tool to bring democracy in the environment – I DECIDE is the freedom to choose while I PLAN is the responsibility associated with that freedom. Each family gives a different shape. Planning is not only for the child – it’s a process, but it’s also a way of life for…

  • Covid and Parenting

    COVID Pandemic brings a different situation for us as a parent, for some of us our existing issues may be flaring up with children being all the time at home. Kids spending time in front of TV/Screen/sleeping can create anxiety in parents. One way to look at any situation is that there is a problem…

  • Learning is …

    Learning develops in pair – Clarity with confusion, creation with destruction ending with beginning, Because learning is never complete. It just opens new avenues to explore. In a way Learning is Unlearning.

  • Choices

    In our home, we had a stepped clothes cupboard in the kid’s room. Our kids would keep their clothes at different heights as they would grow in height and decide for themselves what they wanted to wear. From an early age (2-3 yrs old) they would choose their clothing.When I look at their childhood pics…

  • Review Living and Learning

    Democracy cannot be learned, it can be experienced. Our most aspirational endeavor – to create and keep Aarohi as a democratic space. We are experimenting with any form of interactions, communications, interventions, and systems – all targeted to make the community truly interdependent – with co-creation, co-learning, and co-existence as key parameters Reviewing is an…

  • Activity Club – Review

    Activity Club had 4 parts – Games / Research / Reading and Doing Experiences.The review is done by children and all comments were thoughts from their experience in Activity Club. GAMES We played a variety of games – Business, TT, Routes of Spices in Globe, Juggling, Bowling, Pictionary, Suduko, Memory game, Tower of Hanoi, Emotions…

  • Discoveries – Reflection

    In oneself lies the whole world and if you know how to look and learn, the door is there and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth can give you either the key or the door to open, except yourself. Jiddu Krishnamurti A reflection is exactly that – looking at oneself (in the…

  • Deep Diving – Reflection

    Experience of Deep – Diving by some kids at Aarohi was A window to experience that I can design my own learning around my interest. Film making, Dance, Music, Business through making and selling products, Business Through understanding the market (stock market) were some of the interest taken up by different children REVIEW of the…

  • Basic Skills

    We asked, “what Basic skills we need to survive in the situation like COVID-19, And the list came up Cooking and Homecare Research and finding information Able to spend time with self Able to develop an interest Know how to keep self safe Self-care Basic skills at Aarohi are part of our LIVING – We…

  • Strengths of Facilitators

    Each one of us is different and that adds up value to each other as a team – Strengths WE FACILITATORS collectively use are Focus, Persistent, Consistent, Open to feedback, Love you learn, Honesty, Hardworking, Observing session prep, Listening to the discussion, Connecting to experiences, Little questioning, Reading little, Understanding way, reflecting own pattern. Open…

  • Manthan to Make a Community

    Ajesh, a Parent shared “Will not be able to find words to express all that I felt during the week at the campus, but let me try collecting. Lots of learning, doing, thinking, creation, playing, mentoring, being mentored, “children, children & children “, expanded friend circle, rethinking development, football, pranks, falling sick, loose motion, “enjoying…

  • A story of passion – cooking to chef

    Passion found – Shock phaseIt was Early 2017 that we were asking Aadarsh about his hobbies. Our 2nd child Siddarth used to do multiple craftworks like Origami. We were curious to know what Aadarsh wanted to do as part of his hobby time. He never replied after severalinquiries but one evening he mentioned that “cooking”…

  • Dewey Doing

    Dewey’s thoughts on DOING. He says “Give the pupils something to do, not something to learn; and the doing is of such a nature as to demand thinking; learning naturally results – Dewey” Our Thoughts Doing leads to various levels of learning When we DO for the child, we take away the opportunity for the…

  • Lock Down Stories

    Pari is 8yrs old, she is a self-directed learner at Aarohi. With a dream of excelling in gymnastics, she spends her time with art and clay, learning various things with friends including drama and dance. This 8yr old is not too small to be Aarohi’s official receptionist. She is capable: To Dream, To Think, To…

  • What you remove!

    Today we asked, “What from the day/week would you like to REMOVE?” Task, Habit, Emotion, Belief, Style, Image, Thought, Action, etc Some sharing: What habit do I want to remove? Postponement. What emotion do I want to remove? Anger. What image do I want to remove? I get up late. What Belief do I want…

  • What is discipline?

    Four kids – three of them have designed their day for training themselves to become professional footballers, they have been working on for the last two years now, Due to lockdown they all are restricted to no coaching and designing their own day. The fourth child is a filmmaker, decided to work deliberately on film…

  • Allow your child to lose interest

    We need not assess a child by any exam or grades – The child explores her strengths, her competencies and understands what she is worthy of. Allow your child to lose interest this summer Personally in my childhood, I have gone through all kinds of hobby classes like painting, clay, photography, music, guitar, computer,mehandi, salsa,…

  • Allow your child to do nothing

    One reason we are not able to appreciate the joy ofdoing nothingis because we have made ourselves and our life very busy. From Yoga gurus, to medical practitioners to spiritual thinkers – all advice a daily dose of doing nothing. It’s the nature’s way of recuperating, of restoring one’s inner harmony, of enriching oneself. Next…

  • Allow your child to not learn

    We need not teach them!Allow your child to not learn this summer Learning as a goal can in itself be a hindrance or limitation. To quote HERMANN HESSE from his book ‘Siddhartha“When someone is seeking … it happens quite easily that he only sees the thing that he is seeking; that he is unable to…

  • Allow your child to Make the wrong choices

    Each child is CAPABLEAllow your child to make the wrong choicesThe mother had encouraged him, goaded him, wished and prayed for him. He had told her, “Yes mama, I will win the race”.Loaded with expectations, as he came back from school, mother asked, “You won”?He replied, almost triumphantly, “Neeraj won the race. I wanted him…