Category: drupal-import

  • Allow your child to fail

    We need not make things fun for them Inviting you to allow kids to design their own learning, decide their own challenges and let them fail. Allow your child to fail this time There are many reasons to let children fail: * One is to bring down the premium on success or on winning. Given…

  • Allow your child to do things

    A boy was sitting on the edge of a lake, looking yonder.A passer-by asked, “whatcha doing?”“Nothing” the boy replied.He was lectured to use his time “productively”. The boy sighed and waited for the first passer-by to go away. After some time another passer-by asked, “whatcha doing?”“Thinking” the boy replied.Satisfied this passer-by moved on. After some…

  • LBD – Explore Lif Cycle of a Product

    Exploring shirt as part of the Life cycle of the product Stimulation:What all products do we use in our daily life – Bag, Box, Pencil, Pen, Show, socks, Clothes. What is the Life cycle of the product – From starting raw material to making of product to disposal. Session: We named starting stage to Extraction,…

  • Learning by Reflecting

    Sometimes it is difficult to comprehend what all is happening all around us – Self-reflection at the end of the week reveals the unlimited churning inside each child, and yet more remains inside, hard to express all in words. Some of the snippets from our reflection… Three kids interested in football took up the challenge…

  • Possibilities – Music – Maati Bani

    POSSIBILITIES Looking at any opportunity in many different ways Using talent in many different ways Don’t get stuck with one WAY, one opportunity There are many DOORS Here is one such living example Do share if you know people who are experimenting with music, looking at the profession of music beyond the conventional way (popular…

  • Small Experiences – Teen Club

    Small actions, just an hour a week – and we could explore many areas of self-development with the teens of Aarohi SELF IMAGE – How I see myself, How others see myself LISTENING – listen to each other and that’s all BELIEFS – Where does the belief come from? THE MODEL with Sonal – If…

  • Opportunity to learn from mistakes

    Bad News – Trampoline out of order, few springs injured.Good News – An opportunity to re-look into our actions! As the investigation happened, the experts from Decathlon shared “even for one or two times, if two people are together jumping in the trampoline, it can get damaged”. And the sources confirmed, “Ya, when one is…

  • All ages

    Exchanging notes on drumming, spending a day together and the relationship is only through DRUMMING! Exchanging notes on movies/videos/advertisements…learning has no boundaries, any age, any experience…all is fine when it comes to learning! Learning has no boundaries – any age, any place, any stimuli! Exploring dots with Water and Feet – Its summer and our…

  • Possibilities

    This week we came up with a list of ACTIONS possible for MY INTEREST – the idea was to self discover those possibilities by THINKING about the interest in many different ways – ANHAD (boundless). The idea was to THINK of the possibilities. The idea was to COLLECT. The idea was to go beyond our…

  • Holi – a Festival of play

    Holi – a festival of spring, love, and colors. The act of playing Holi brought an opportunity to understand “spring”, an opportunity to be aware that the seasons are changing, and with the change, something are changing! Few kids planned a different Holi – play with water anytime between 6 am to 3 pm, it…

  • Fish – Just like that!

    Think of someone, we normally do not think (shopkeeper next door, station master, milk anna are some examples)Make a handmade giftAnd give a gift – just like that!

  • Exploring Aarohi Library by Govt Model School Children.

    Children wanted to visit campus to explore Aarohi Library.Stimulation:” Imagine the type of book that interests you” and you see right in front of you. Few chose to read GK books, few wanted ghost books, few wanted comics, few stories, few Tamil books, few for science books Activity: choose a book from the library, read…

  • Learning Mela – Open to Learn from anyone .

    Learning Mela conducted by 7th std students to 6th Std Students.The previous week, all the preparation about what stalls, what all resources we need for the stall went into vain. The children forgot about the stalls and did not get resources. Some children were on leave and so group dropped the idea of conducting stall,…

  • Possibilities

    Often asked “how do they know, what all is possible? Will they miss what they don’t know? We started with “what I want to do” And then come up with a list of ACTIONS possible – the idea was to self discover those possibilities by THINKING about the task in many different ways – ANHAD…

  • Dots!

    She shared – an Early trace of history with dots – Aborigional art, gond art etc. About George Seuret artist – began the era of Pointillism She shared about – Dots in fashion, in textile, interiors, Sizes, variation, advertisement, Cave to paper to canvas to clothes to installations Another artist – Ya you Kusama Japanese…

  • LBD: Exploring about Food that we eat.

    STIMULATION: Remember your favorite hero, heroine. Do you all like their looks, body built and so… Imagine what could be their lifestyle, what if they don’t do fitness, what if they eat. More, less or any restriction on food.Do you believe food has any effect on the body? Initially questions made them little lost, but…


    We dream – this was a pause from the dream and connect with the dream or maybe expanding our dreams! Stimulation – Childrenthought through and made a list of 10 things that they wanted in life in the future. .Activity: Making our Vision in life. PROMPTS to draw our Vision – How do we want…

  • GruhaPravesham

    GruhaPravesam to a parent’s house was another opportunity to learn! She took up the responsibility to coordinate. We traveled from Campus to HSR layout, using various modes of transports, catching local buses, finding directions, calculating our expenses, buying tickets for mixed age, changing bus, chasing train status…were just a few of the opportunities where she…

  • Thinking about Thinking

    We think all the time – but how do we think? Will a change in thinking will change the results we get? She and I were planning for Wednesday special She needed to find the train timings to plan our travel She began with “how do I find?” I asked her what information do you…

  • Thinking differently

    We think all the time – but how do we think? Will a change in thinking will change the results we get? She and I were planning for Wednesday special We needed to find the train timings to plan our travel She began with “how do I find?”I asked her what information do you want…

  • Facilitation Diary

    Few kids started with deep diving in their area of interest and the journey is not straight forward. Often asked “so will they do it all by themselves?” The answer is yes and no both – sometimes they do by self, sometimes they need a push, sometimes need support, sometimes need a different window to…

  • Community with Mariana

    By Mariana Coelho Maximino 06.03.2020 I didn’t know what to expect about open learning, I barely was exposed to the concept before. I guess this, allowed myself to live and experience broadly these possibility(ies), surely not without questioning my backgrounds and partial skills. It is being quite a challenge to experience a very different culture…

  • Dots to explore Art

    What are you looking for from this session? Art was the answer! What according to you is art? Paper folding, expressing feelings, looks cool, drawing, painting, do anything and it’s art, scribbling, deeper in heart, think art were some of the expressions. Have you ever been engrossed in art? Some yes, some no were the…

  • Brazil with Mariana

    Who are our teachers?Anyone and everyone Knowing Brazil with a quiz with Mariana, a volunteer at the campus from BrazilHow big is Brazil? What are the languages? Where is it? What is the size? And sharing more information through an interaction – History of Brazil, Portuguese, Africa Trade, Far from India, Spices, Invasions, Redwood, Ink…

  • MI for Active Learning

    When Howard Gardner put forward his Theory of Multiple Intelligences (in 1983), he was only acknowledging something we have all intuitively known – the existence of different abilities (intelligences) inside each one of us. Understanding of Multiple Intelligence helps in understanding Open Learning. It builds a child’s self-belief in his or her own abilities, strengths…

  • Home Alone

    Home alone is exhibited as an exciting concept Don’t know where this concept came from? On Sunday, there was no adult at the campus Some Kids were alone at the campus Some experiences shared I was more alert I felt insecure I felt more responsible and more responsibility The group helped to bring variety in…

  • Activity Club – Exploring

    Activity Club brings in many different ways to explore – math through games, research,reading, doingExploring play with numbers by solving Suduko – Children shared Suduko is not play with numbers – It needs Prediction, Guess, Random, Pattern, Trial, and Error. Gameday – We played memory games using pictures of our national leaders.What strategies we use…

  • Young Science Explorers

    Young Chemists are experimenting with different chemicals in making a lava lamp and slime making.Lava Lamp: He is totally focused, involved and curious to check output in his Experiment.He Plans to choose his experiment on weekends, Monday or Tuesday. He gives a list of resources to be checked if it’s available and on Wednesday he…

  • LBD – Awareness about Cosmetics and natural products

    Stimulation – We all love to look beautiful. How do we make ourselves beautiful?We saw images to collect thoughts about shiny teeth, soft and glowing skin, long and silky hairs, clean washed clothes. .Activity – We all listed 10 products which we use in our daily life.We questioned do we know how are these made…

  • Self discovery – where is my time!

    Analyzing our week – In a week 168 hrs – What goes where?Analyze day and calculate different experiences from the day – experience whole number, fraction, percentage, mathematical language, graph/pie chart and accounting of hours. How many hours of sleep?How many hours for exposure?How many hours for skill development?How many hours for self-care?How many hours…