What you remove!

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Today we asked, “What from the day/week would you like to REMOVE?”

Task, Habit, Emotion, Belief, Style, Image, Thought, Action, etc

Some sharing:

What habit do I want to remove? Postponement.

What emotion do I want to remove? Anger.

What image do I want to remove? I get up late.

What Belief do I want to remove? I do things slowly.

Habit: listening to music while working on something(I’m generally more focused if I don’t listen to music), Emotion: being dissatisfied, Belief: there needs to be output for me to know I’ve actually benefited from something, Image: Silence or nothingness can’t really be pretty or beautiful(in the sense of a scene, dialogue, event, etc) and Thought: I can’t do much by myself.

1. Task I would like to add practice in the evening.

2. A habit I want to remove the habit of checking the phone for messages.

3. The emotion I want to remove satisfaction and be more dissatisfied.

4. The belief I want to remove my belief of the week getting over fast.

5. Style – I want to add the style of doing a warm-up before practice.

6. Image – I want to remove the image of having done enough practice.

What I want to go from my week: evening practice to conditioning and balance.

Biting my nails would be the habit I want to remove. Emotion, frustration when something goes wrong. Belief that what I am doing is enough. Style, pulling my shorts up should probably stop now. Image, no one knows how to play. Thought, am I capable of accomplishing this? I want to think positively so that I get positive outcomes. Action, I would love to remove the action of staying quiet during a discussion.

FACILITTAION INSIGHTS – When it is external, often the responses are defensive. But reflection allows them to think for themselves. It is not important that it will change by tomorrow. But what is important is that they are thinking for themselves. It’s not our job to ensure that they will do what they are saying, it’s their job. Our job is to create stimulus.
