
Democracy cannot be learned, it can be experienced. Our most aspirational endeavor – to create and keep Aarohi as a democratic space. We are experimenting with any form of interactions, communications, interventions, and systems – all targeted to make the community truly interdependent – with co-creation, co-learning, and co-existence as key parameters
Reviewing is an integral part of our growth. We review how each day/week/month an year we review in many different forms.
Sharing a review of how as a community we are experiencing Learning and Living in the community.
A note – All the thoughts are from children – as a facilitator, we reframed ourselves from responding or adding – it was more of listening. It was great to have participation from kids and coming up with valuable thoughts! It was a humble experience to listen to them, from their experiences for their life!
LANGUAGE – – Are there enough experiences, exposure, and opportunities to develop the basic skill of at least one language to develop?
Enough to live, basic is happening. There are opportunities to get more out of Reading, Writing, Researching but we are not using them.
Reading – Basic level, people who do not have basic level are trying
Writing – Mostly in journal timing,
Speaking and Listening –
and Researching – Using tools of Books, the Internet, Basic research is happening.
Living Skills – are there enough experiences, exposure, and opportunities for Cooking, stitching, understanding culture, emotions, cooking, making our own travel, self-hygiene, etc as part of self-care?
Living together is taking care of many of these things
Basic skills and Exposures good amount, in general, is available
More experience of hygiene can help in better health and hygiene.
Are we making good use? Enough available – but as a community is we making use of it?
Hygiene is taken for granted – it feels lacking
Exposure and opportunity of training of safety through teen/tween and safety training. Research and theory are happening but not much practical happening.
Pretty comfortable with budgeting, costing, using different tools to computation, learn as you go – so it’s pretty fine
Very few are using mathematical skills (accountant, kitchen manager, train travel), else, in general, it is missing – opportunities are there, but the usage is missing.
Things like measurements happen as we go on with projects
Using in some or other ways – maybe not using it enough
Enough opportunities to explore budgeting, costing, estimate in kitchen
2 TALENTS – Something you are naturally capable, Are we AWARE, Does the community ACCEPT the variety of talent, ARE we DEVELOPING it to the NEXT LEVEL?
Developing and Identification is happening. Mostly done by facilitators, different community members are involved, but not focused energy and efforts to identify and develop but it’s happening as a process. Recognizing each other’s talents – everyone is not really encouraging, most of the time encouraging, not discouragement.
3 INTEREST – Opportunities to Experiences and Exposure
Visual – Opportunities, Involvement is happening – Photography, Art club, Product making, Videography, Craft,
Business and Economics – Very few people doing it, a bit of sharing is happening, It is not explored a lot. We can bring different types of doing it. There are many ways, but we are taking only one way, when we are stuck – we are not seeing other ways.
Literature and Languages – Different languages because we have people from different cultures – Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, and a bit of Hindi. As a group Punjabi, Urdu, Marathi, and Malayalam were missing. Designed Exposure is missing. There is an opportunity if anyone wants to learn any language.
Mathematical Learning and Doing – We need more exposure and daily diet can bring more opportunity.
MUSIC, DANCE, DRAMA, and MEDIA – Drumming, guitar, singing, piano, dance is happening. Drama os not happening, once in a while movie-making happens. This year only exposure in the thought club, not practicing. Basic exposure of most of those – based on a number of people interested, increases or decreases. Some of us are working as natural talent, what about others?
SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY – Some happening, not that much. Very little chemistry gardening – some people interested. Enough opportunities – some are a little bit using and leave it here and there. More experiences and exposures for basic understanding about science in general and technology. A lot of different things to know – nit many are interested to know, more exposure can help.
SELF AND SOCIAL – Exposure and opportunity of training of safety through teen/tween and safety training. Research and theory is happening but not much of practical happening.
UNDERSTANDING WORLD – Not much opportunity and exposure not there, Not active participation, other than knowing the basic knowledge.
BODY, SPORTS, ADVENTURE – Exposure is there, everyday happening, some people into one sport, very less doing by interest.
4 – SOCIAL SKILLS – connecting, contributing, under interdependence – not necessarily through the community but with the world around
Living in the community itself is experiences, exposure and opportunity experience
SOME EXPRESSION – Connecting, Recollecting, Reflecting, Grateful, Recovering thoughts (not in that sense), Happy, Togetherness, Calm, Collecting, Commenting, Thinking, Validating,