Each one of us is different and that adds up value to each other as a team – Strengths WE FACILITATORS collectively use are
Focus, Persistent, Consistent, Open to feedback, Love you learn, Honesty, Hardworking, Observing session prep, Listening to the discussion, Connecting to experiences, Little questioning, Reading little, Understanding way, reflecting own pattern. Open to feedback.
Observation – observe others doing, how do they solve problems, how do they communicate, This helps to learn new things, solve problems when stuck
Reflect – use my ability to reflect on How, what, when, and what else to improve on communication, facilitation, and adding value to knowledge.
Focus – use the ability to focus to finish a work, to continue doing any specific tasks. spend time in preparation, often thinking about the session when doing other things (potty;-)
Organize – organize work, day by making a schedule and putting what to do when in the schedule
Visualization – use this strength to plan the day and connect what is feeling good, where you have some discomfort or need help etc. Also, use this strength to detail out sessions play entire session in mind
Relate – relate different known things from different areas of working on – this brings different perspectives and clarity. Use this strength to relate to what I am reading, what I am seeing, what someone else is exhibiting, what I hear. I relate what I read in my session, What I experience in session I relate with what I read…and the cycle continues.
Creative – use creativity HOM by pushing self to do things differently, not accepting what is normal, putting constraints and imagining.
Few beliefs which have helped are
Self-discipline helps.
Everything is fine
Whatever is happening is good
Things will happen at their own pace, my anxiety will not help.
I can’t is fine
It’s okay to make mistakes
Things are happening
It’s my perspective but others also have a point of view.
There is enough time for everything.
We are not responsible for our kids future,
Going slow helps understand better
Co-hosting sessions helping in tapping each other’s strengths – we don’t have to be good at everything, We use each other’s strengths.
Able to say no, and still have peace like at peace with not tapping our activities to launch new programs
Co-creation with parents and facilitators helps in clarity, designing and decision making
Humility is a virtue in us
Knowing self – reflection to understand inner thoughts and blocks.
Entertainment is part of us and in us – sports, games, movies add to it
Life is a GIFT!
Our fundamental way of working with each other (Facilitator’s team)
The belief that each one is unique
Look for options to learn
Open for feedback
Seek new ideas/ implement
Look for the good in each other
Free to give feedback
Keep growing
Though each one of different, and that is a great virtue – we all compliment each other
Being facilitator is *challenging *to challenge ourselves as well as children – Being creative, Thinking differently, all-time what next, what else, how else? These Challenges bring a sense of joy instead of stress.
We believe in Child’s capabilities – to learn, to do, to take challenges of their choices.
Even child is human as adult and has different images/ blocks/ beliefs/talents/ choices
Our role – Core role limited to creating a lot of opportunities, exposures, tools, resources, and options!