Ajesh, a Parent shared
“Will not be able to find words to express all that I felt during the week at the campus, but let me try collecting. Lots of learning, doing, thinking, creation, playing, mentoring, being mentored, “children, children & children “, expanded friend circle, rethinking development, football, pranks, falling sick, loose motion, “enjoying the suffering”, fun fun & fun in our discussions, coffee, laddu, patiala stories , 10km run, vada pav stories, charka,symbols by the great marketer, corruption, cleanup, campus care, TT, poison, chopsticks, insanity workout – oof, fire line, kitchen garden, frisbee, palmer, to top it up, children joining in amazingly in our manthan theme, theatre, “watching the movie v/s being in it- didn’t see that coming, is community about having identity or losing it, where my search ends and and something new begins -wah wah, am full of emotions now, can’t thank you enough for creating the space & the gifts I have been offered & making me realize more of the gift that I am, for discovering a new definition of suffering that causes my heart to break more so I now have a wider , bigger heart, bigger capacity, familyA……Shall be back in campus soon ..”picture tho abhi shuru Hua hai Dosth”- wah wah wah !
Every opportunity to experience the community coming together is amazing be it to keep us afloat or to celebrate, grow, and flourish. Thanks to all of us for coming together with questions, solutions, and ideas for the future.
COMMUNITY – understand, explore, Investigate, and enjoy. The idea is to DISCOVER it! So let’s Co-create!
What does COMMUNITY mean? Like-minded, togetherness, the relation of many people worldwide, unity in diversity, common interest, common needs, collective thoughts, common goal, think and reaffirm about community, rebuild connections, family, what give and take responsibility, individual searching inside, finding the community, everything stops and something starts, search for self ends and community starts, collective resources, sharing, achieve as a community, support system, Organism,
GIFTS that I can get from the community – Support, Time, Clarity, Perspectives, Exposure, Strength of experimentation, Encouragement, a Bigger family, Opportunity, Learning, Deeper, Growth through Challenges, Security, Guidance, Filtering, Learn to live with constraints,
- What is the difference between being Aarohi parent and being in the community?
- A parent is just a small part of me, Bring a larger part of myself to the community
- In a community, it is for all, as parents it is only for my child
- Thoughts widen in the community
- Conversation, thinking becomes different in the community
- Parenting is outsourcing the education while community brings participation
- Being a parent is like watching a movie, being in the community is like BEING IN THE MOVIE.
A quote by Parker J. Palmer – We cultivate a capacity for connectedness through contemplation. By contemplation, I mean any way one has of penetrating the illusion of separateness and touching the reality of interdependence. In my life, the deepest forms of contemplation have been
CONTEMPLATION about the Community for 10 minutes a day – what will happen to you? The vibration will increase, broadens the vision, connectedness, inclusion, it exists all around me, Structures enables us to participate – bring joy and suffering.
A quote by Parker J. Palmer – When I flourish, it is easy to maintain the illusion of separateness, easy to imagine that I alone am responsible for my good fortune. But when I fall, I see a secret hidden in plain sight: I need other people for comfort, encouragement, and support, and for criticism, challenge, and collaboration. The self-sufficiency I feel in success is a mirage. I need community—and, if open my heart, I have it.
WE want it,
YOU got it!
YOU want it,
WE got it!
We want it, you got it.
Community is not a goal, but a gift to be received
- What can everyone benefit from me and I can benefit from everyone?
- What is a community and what is not a community?
- What if learning is not limited to children – open more doors?
- Does the community always mean Intimacy?
- Do I see many benefits of being part of the community, including my fears, unmask, limitations vanishing?
- What If I don’t have to give or receive a gift bit realized I am the gift?
- What interdependence in the community does to me?
- How do I enrich the community to be enriched?
- How differently do you see interdependence?
- How can being in the community itself be a gift?
- The leadership is emerging through my authentic work – positional power
People are RESOURCEFUL – I am the gift
IMAGINE different aspects of the community
Opportunities – When you think of the LEARNING what all ROLES come in your mind.What if learning is not limited to children – open more doors?
WIth other children what all can you imagine apart from teaching? How can this community learn from the pride of lions? What does Wikipedia inspire us? What can we learn from the orchestra? Reading from a book. What do you all learn from the river?
What would happen, what If I think for five minutes about any learning happening at the campus? JUST THINK!CAMPUS
Opportunities -When you think of the CAMPUS what all ROLES come in your mind.When you think of your compulsory one-week presence at the campus, what comes to your mind?What If all of us had a single bank account? How all can we sink? What challenges do we perceive? How can we co-finance ourselves? We have financial needs, how do we afloat it? What If it would only be a co-creation, how would your life change? How can we run without cash?
The campus is running – development, land, finance – How as a community we want to look at it, add value. Let us imagine together – What if the gift
How do we communicate to you that it is your community also?
Challenges -Financial this year
Opportunities – When you think of the OPEN LEARNING what all comes in your mind?What will happen to the world if the world is full of open learning? Is there AmmaMane? How do we convert Warmth into Interaction? How or what role the community can play for new/interested parents? What if new parents can experience the community?
EXPANSION -How do we enlarge the user base?
Challenges -Lack of human resources, Limited number of children, Limited community, Out of mind-out of sight, Load on the facilitator to create awareness, and connections afterlife.DIRECT CONNECT
Opportunities – When you think of the DIRECT CONNECT what all ROLES come in your mind.When there is one to one conflict. How do we all make it a safe space? Open to gossip?
Currently, parents are connected through the child – Parents to the community are missing. From child to other parents is missing. What if you had 25 hrs in a day, what will you do with the extra hour? How can the community take care of your parenting needs? How Lucky Am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard?
Challenges -When things going fine it’s okay, else in some cases throwing muck on the facilitators, Load on the facilitator to take care of diverse needs
Creation with co-creation!
To enrich the learning and living at the campus – what action plan as a community we want to come up with
Action Ideas
- Create a profile of each member of the community
- I see this space as a learning space for myself and attract collaboration
- Get more people to the campus who can potentially enrich
- Each one of us reflects on life learnings
- Connecting with other learners
- Create learning groups
Running of the campus – how to share the load and let the community afloat.
Action Ideas
- Volunteering parents, delegation
- Parent facilitator
- Parents taking up support roles
- Errants ownership
How do we promote connectedness to enrich each other’s life and resolve conflicts.
When there is conflict in the community how does as a community we need to have an action plan?
Action Ideas
- Sahayavani Parent edition
- Parent KAA
- Marent in action
- Calling each other
- Compulsory one week stay at the campus
- Share problems with the community consultants – one to few and one to all
- Family Satsang
How do we grow the concept of open learning?
How do we sustain the connection with families who have moved away from the Aarohi campus?
Action Ideas
- Sharing with more people
- Alliances with other communities – formal and informal
- Learning exchange with the other communities
- Alternative schools coming together
- More leaders to emerge to spread the open learning
- Talk about open learning
- Connect with new parents and support them
- Publicity material
- Available to others – helpline
- Scout parents who need open learning – connect with few schools and offer gap year
- felicitate to facilitate – make more facilitator among parents
- Open learning warriors
A quote by Parker J. Palmer – So the authority to lead toward community can emerge from anyone in an organization—and it may be more likely to emerge from people who do not hold positional power.