Deep Diving – Reflection


Experience of Deep – Diving by some kids at Aarohi was A window to experience that I can design my own learning around my interest.

Film making, Dance, Music, Business through making and selling products, Business Through understanding the market (stock market) were some of the interest taken up by different children

REVIEW of the same (not the content but the process) with kids – all thoughts from them, so profound, so thoughtful! I was a facilitator just needed to listen and get INSIGHT into the world of the learners!

Doing more in my interest – practice, reading, discussion…more of everything Detailing, however long, focusing on one thing I like to do
A tool of bringing clarity and perspective – the discovery of various possibilities
Reflect, deeper into what I want to achieve
What I want to do
More time, getting to know me


Deeply reviewing, clarity – everyday review on interest, daily reflection, more clarity.

Mind maps brought many many different ways

Reflection helped to know the process and thought process

Reflection for clarity for next day

Reflection helped me to progress

Reflection to bring realization – why, how etc

Initially scattered, reflection for more perspective not for deeper focus, detailing, in the beginning, would have helped


Research, read, random shoot, story, screening, read about movies, trivia, movies watching, stuck to what I knew – could have gone wild.

Collecting data on how to sell, stuck to making products, collecting tools, and did not go back to business expanding
Understand music, practice, heard, analyze, watch video, observation, application, discussion
I started learning about the business and how to analyze it, going through balance sheets and annual reports. what to analyze in certain industries. The fundamentals of business
Learn theory by reading, listen to a song and understand music,
Dance, singing, drawing the dance piece, research, acting, postures seeing and dancing,

Deep Diving: EFFORTS

Efforts to understand the concept of music by researching – rating 7

Doing, making, Selling, Marketing, – rating 5

Practice, knowing, understanding music – rating 6

Done something that I wanted to do like watching, detailing what I want to do, but still a lot more I did not do – Rating 4

I would rate myself 5 because I was understanding about the fundamentals of the business, but the output and the talks during dinner wasn’t there from my side
I got more clarity on the next few steps and getting a bigger picture of my interest

Understanding different concept, getting overcome my fear- Rating 7

Deep Diving: EFFECTS

I am LIVING filming!

Burning to do what I want to do – more energy, possibilities, and go deeper and deeper to create wonders!

I am still not happy – want to take it to the next level!

Not fully satisfied!

Half satisfied, half not satisfied!

I am not satisfied, looking for more!

Parting thoughts – Confused, Clarity with confusion, Insightful, Busy, Relieved, Doubtful, The force, Excited for the next!

It does not matter which mountain you climb or how do you climb the mountain? What matters is what does climbing does to you?
