Category: Blogs

  • Being together is learning together – Parul and Arush

    PARUL mother of 11yrs old Arush sharing, Well well well…… I won’t say please like this video but I’d rather say please do what you really like or what you really want to do as its high time we realise the impermanent nature of this world and celebrate it as well. I m posting this…

  • Review Week – Aarohi X

    Let’s look back on our experience of Aarohi-x for the last two months – reflecting on our needs and understanding how the different processes are enriching our journey.Reviewing is central to any democratic space. We believe democracy cannot be learned, it can be experienced. We are experimenting with many forms of interactions, communications, interventions, and…

  • Meet Ansh and Radhika – open learning is not a formula

    Meet and interact withMunish & Angelinaand their 14yrs old twinsRadhika and Ansh– both open learnings very differentlyfrom each other. Just to understand how open learning is not a formula, but all about understanding and followingeach child’s specific needs. Munish says “We started questioning the current education system a long time back and took a leap…

  • Meet Dhrupad and Skanda – Make own challenges

    Meet Skanda, 14yrs old, and Dhrupad, 15yrs old. Both are open learners with Aarohi, let’s discover Open Learning with them. Skanda says “I have shown interest in various things in the last 6 years. My interests varied from dance, art, caricature, skating, swimming, cycling, making cycle ramp, making and selling mosquito repellent, making an iron…

  • Meet Advik – Having no Plans is okay

    If you look closely the conventional education primarily works on creating fear – in children, in parents, and to some extent even in teachers. Fear of being less than peers, fear of getting bad marks, fear of not getting a star at the back of my palm, fear of teacher scolding, and yes fear of…

  • Meet Asawari – Life without Degrees

    21yr-old Asawari – an unschooler, leading her life without any board exams and without any college education. HER STORY As a little girl going to school and playing was what my life revolved around. I went to school because that’s what children do. I enjoyed school because I was a good student. I was very…

  • Meet Davin – Becoming a Professional via Open Learning

    How do children with open schooling become professionals? Do they have competitiveness, perseverance, grit, and excelling spirits? Are these some of the questions in your mind? Meet 17yr-old Davin who has been doing open learning since he was 11yrs – while the family would share the whole open learning journey, he would share how open…

  • Meet Avani – Joining Back School

    Avani, blessed with imagination and drawing skills, a keen observer, exploring cursive writing, painting, sand play, science experiments, drawing, cooking, music, songs, dance, rock climbing, gymnastics, and jumping…continued her explorations for 3 years while being in Aarohi and then decided to explore something new! Avani, decided to be part of the schooling system to experience…

  • Meet Aswathy – Future in child’s hands

    Aswathy says “I am LIVING filming! Burning to do what I want to do – more energy, possibilities, and go deeper and deeper to create wonders! I am still not happy – want to take it to the next level! Not fully satisfied! Half satisfied, half not satisfied! I am not satisfied, looking for more!”…

  • Meet Aadarsh – In Open Learning preparing for 10th

    When we talk about open learning/homeschooling, one of the questions often asked is “the society we live in – don’t we need certificates. How does this need gets addressed in open learning?” Aadarsh has a dream of becoming a Chef. He wants to join a hotel management institute to realize his dream. He has been…

  • Meet Shikha – Life Beyond School

    More and more parents are choosing or thinking of choosing unschooling or homeschooling or open learning or free learning for their children. It is not just dissatisfaction from conventional schooling, but also the immense options and satisfaction one can get when one charts one’s own path. Since its a path less traveled, we all look…

  • Meet Devi – My Interest lead my Life

    “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” ― Howard Thurman Meet Devi and Ram with their parents Rajalekshmi and Roopak They started their journey of Interest-based learning five years back. Their journey in few words…

  • A story from Mother’s DIary – Aarohi X

    This happened at Senthil nagar, Bodichipalli. A mango tree which gives yummy, juicy mangoes every year in the month of July, was home for a crow with white streaked neck. Looks like it loves to wear this necklace all the time. This day was special for this crow. A liitle egg hatched (crack!) and a…

  • From a Mother’s diary – Aarohi X

    This week is lazy for me till nowI am feeling tired of doing, planning for a child, I just want to be with myself.I wanted to watch a movie so watched one Hindi movie, Apart from regular stuff ( no option available to skip it) did not feel doing any other work.When I am with…

  • Leadership – Creating community – Aarohi X

    What do Dhoni and Aarohi have in common?Think of a time you felt noticed, listened to, valued by someone? Placing you in the glare of the spotlight, that someone chose to remain in the shadows/ the penumbral glow. That’s humble/penumbral leadership. Where leaders stay in the glow and promote their team members to the glare…

  • Planning – A way of life design by you for you

    What is planning? Some say its organizing learning and life Some does hour by hour planning While some are focusing on what and when and how Some want a very vigorous schedule While some are looking for space for themselves and taking as it comes Some track what they do daily Some like to let…

  • Space for all to GROW

    FROM a MOTHER’s DIARY – NityaAarohi Where “holy” means child, Brave-hearted adults “ascend”, And become a child. That’s my first-ever haiku and one of the many sprouts of my creativity thanks to Aarohi-x. Since I’m on a roll, here’s another haiku for you. Aarohi Clock ticks monotone Polytonal Aarohi Sets-a “tune” to the tick (Btw,…

  • My beliefs – MIgrant Workers

    I have been working with an NGO (CoAst India) to support migrant workers. It has been a very humbling experience. To begin I had an apprehension that If I call and make my phone number exposed to strangers, they will misuse it – to my surprise I have not received any prank and disturbing call.Another…

  • Future and Teen Age

    TEEN Klub with Rajesh – Sometimes there is a big silence, sometimes there is thinking, sometimes there is an expression with QUESTIONS… it’s all about just chit chat!The idea is not to convey any one message but just have a conversation to explore selfSOME GLIMPSES of the ConversationAs we reach 14yrs – Hidden or explicit…

  • Self and Social Planning

    We often work on interest, we look for resources, skills, tools, coaching, and so on. What about self and social skills? If we want these to be developed, we need to work on them consciously like any other’s not enough to say “I want to work on my emotions or relationship or my weaknesses…

  • Reflect with Rating

    RATE yourself and share One task that you rate more than 8 out of 10 on satisfaction with your efforts One task that you rate less than 3 out of 10 on satisfaction with your efforts One thing that you did that was new or needed a new skill One task in which you observed…

  • Teach Others

    You must have heard this saying “When you teach your learning multiples”. Unfortunately, most of the time we as adults are multiplying our learning by teaching kids – inviting you to invite your child to TEACH something to others. Your child to teach you, friends, relatives, or simply record his/her lecture or class on video…

  • Basic Skills – Planning

    One child shared “I want to develop the basic skills of reading, I will be reading Suppandi Jokes”. Often there is an anxiety that if the child is deciding, the child will skip some basic skills like reading/writing or maths. One of the roles parents/ facilitators in open learning play is to bring AWARENESS and…

  • A story of Unschooling with Sunitha

    My journey of homeschooling/unschooling started 6 years ago. Though I liked the concept, I did not have the courage to start unschooling, my son, Skanda who was 8 yrs then (14yrs now). It was a difficult choice. All my family members were not only against but also very furious with me. A bitter experience in…

  • How to learn – Electronics?

    One 11 yrs old child asked, “I like electronics, but I have limited resources at this time of lockdown”.Advay, 9 yrs old advised Watch this Audio Recording PRASHANT his Father sharing Shared by his father – I thought of sharing how it all started for Advay at home. Obviously its just one way to get…

  • I decide – Action Buckets

    Do you wonder how to bring different aspects of our planning? Can working on emotions be part of planning? Can contribution to the housework be part of the planning? Can how to go deep into my interest be part of the planning?Sharing a small framework, we shared in Aarohi-X with families – check pictures Few…

  • Tuk Market – Friday Multiplex – Aarohi X

    LIVE TUK MARKETpeople sold their precious candle video, a joke, a bird call recorded, greeting cards, art, paradox ideas, playing cards, skill to make flower garland, story, song, 3d drawings and many more things – listen to the recordings if you wish to buy or sell anything. ABOUT THE MARKET In Tuk market, anybody can…

  • A story of Akkas

    Fatima and Manj Akka joined us to help us with cooking. They love kids and ensures clean spaces. They are quick to understand the working of Aarohi. Manji Akka manages the kitchen and Fatima Akka maintenance of the campus. Manji akkas Says ‘I enjoy cooking and take care of the campus. I am ready to…

  • A story of Leela

    Leela is one of the pillars ofAarohi. She started her journey withAarohias a parent and soon got involved in other projects and now she is a facilitator atAarohi, O-campus. She is exploring learning and each discovery brings tremendous joy for her. Ever smiling, loving and thoughtful Leela, is always open to learning – from people…

  • A story of Ratnesh

    Ratnesh, our source of inspiration in many ways. He does not teach nor ask us to learn, he just keeps learning by himself. He is unique in many ways and known popularly as ‘tormentor not mentor’. His mentorship will ensure all thinking brain working and learning by own challenges. He rarely helps anyone and he…