When we talk about open learning/homeschooling, one of the questions often asked is “the society we live in – don’t we need certificates. How does this need gets addressed in open learning?”
Aadarsh has a dream of becoming a Chef. He wants to join a hotel management institute to realize his dream. He has been part of Aarohi for the last three years and this year he has chosen to prepare for 10th board exams.
More and more parents are choosing or thinking of choosing unschooling or homeschooling or open learning or free learning for their children. It is not just dissatisfaction from conventional schooling, but also the immense options and satisfaction one can get when one charts one’s own path.
Since its a path less traveled, we all look for people who can support us, who have gone on this route and can help us with perspectives and insights into this journey as well as share their experience on some common doubts.
Listen to their story of PREPARING for 10Th EXAMINATIONS in the system of open learning/homeschooling.