In SWA – planning with parents on facilitating we also use the same planning tool – but the focus now was on the parent, not on the child :).
Ambica, mother of 11and 7yrs old wants to spend time with children, And the stimulation was WHY – Connect with them, Know their understanding, Spend time with them, Learn with him
Roshani, the mother of 5yrs old, wants to facilitate through the observation and the question was “What does it mean?”Doing it right, a better way, Take care of my child’s needs better, OBSERVATION – Identify areas of development – physical, emotional, holistic approach, understand my child’s needs, FACILITATION – making it happen as per the needs and requirements of the child/doer.
And the next questions was WHY – As the child is growing – I have the need to address, I was not able to do, My child is vocal – expressing himself, I need to be on the same page, Being able to do it better, Why you don’t want to bring up the parenting aspect? Better relationship – child-parent via a facilitator, Win-win for both Why only facilitator way? – a lot going on,
The question was HOW, and she had an idea of how – Observation – checklist, Observe and Collate
And then the next question was WHAT ELSE, and we came up with a few more ideas “Verbal, Time Together, Visual – see, details, , Listening, Interest, Choices, Action- Body, do….”
The idea of this stimulation is again not that one will start doing all and get a magic formula to get what one wants. The idea is to come to learn from each other and explore that there are many ways of learning/exploring/doing any skill, including the skill of facilitation.
We continue this creative process in SWA and growing and glowing with our kids.