Story of Sandhya

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Sandhya shared “Our journey started when we thought 9-year-old Pranavswaroop needed to spend more time on his music. He was doing quite well at academics. However, we felt that his music was just an extracurricular and he wouldn’t be able to explore more. We thought we would handle the academics at home. Along the way, we got more time to really understand ourselves as individuals and also the children to be able to see each one of us as a part of the unit. Omkar continues to be unschooled; while Pranavswaroop has been in and out of school as we saw the need”,

Also more about Sandhya – Apart from being the support to her children in their journey, she is also the admin of Bangalore Schools and co-founder of Homeschoolers Nook on Facebook to support the homeschooling and schooling families.

This is part of#WEBINARSERIES –#EVERYSATURDAYto Understanding#openlearning,#Unschooling,#Homeschooling
