Category: Blogs

  • What doing is doing to me

    Often we set larger goals like becoming a pilot or an artist or even short-term goals like make a painting or bake a cake.And often this doing is result-oriented.And then Either my painting is good or bad, my cake is nice or horrible.But there is something else happening apart from the end results.DOING and this…

  • Celebrations – Harvest from the Land

    When people come and ask us “do you grow all your vegetable here in the land”, we say no, the land is rocky and taking to rejuvenateToday I realized that even then with consistent efforts of the last three years how RICH have we become Although we are not able to harvest vegetables for the…

  • Music Learning

    My story of music learning II grew up listening to music with no ambition to sing. In college, I saw a few of my peers singing on the stage, and ambition of singing grew but I left the idea of thinking “this is too late to start to learn singing”. stopped me from taking any…

  • From a Mother’s Diary – Trust

    CHIDLREN Are CAPABLE To Dream, To Think, To Decide, To Do, To Fail, To Achieve, To Assess, To Learn, To Enjoy, To Live.Even if for a moment you think the child is not capable, would you not like the child to be capable? And if we want them to become capable, then we need to…

  • Passion to Profession – Football

    In the last two years of growing up these boys only with football, we have met many people in the field, talking only about one thing “sports”, got respect from people who gave them inputs on food, exercise, yoga, breathing, fitness, food….and every stage sked these boys “do you want to go ahead with it?”…

  • Go slow, life ahead

    When i walk slowly, I see more. When i eat slowly, I relish more. When I swing slowly, I sing more. When I read slowly, I imagine more. When I do slowly, I think more. When I achieve it slowly, I enjoy it more. When I learn slowly, I learn more. Poorvais learning slowly. She…

  • Meet 3-Generation together to know their journey of learning.

    ASHA, SUNITHA, and SMRITI Meet 3-Generation together to know their journey of learning. More and more parents are choosing or thinking of choosing unschooling or homeschooling or open learning or free learning for their children. It is not just dissatisfaction from conventional schooling, but also the immense options and satisfaction one can get when one…

  • The Power of the community – Aarohi X

    Community learning is all about connections, collaborations, and contributions. And that is what we experience in Aarohi-X. X stands for extending the concept of open learning to home – with all the benefits of being part of a community – connections, collaborations, processes and support Its joyous when we all learn and grow together. It…

  • Sassing and its ugly cousins – Mother’s diary – Nitya

    Things reached an aggressive hilt when I fought with mini-mes at home: my children. I imagine you (the reader) sitting between us as we speak. Hear me out first. “I feel I am not respected by my children. Their tone of voice, the contempt, the body language, the eye roll… they have to apologise to…

  • My month – From Anjali’s Diary

    August monthArham and I discussed festival, what do we do, how do we do, I shared options of what kind of constraints would you like to follow, etc, he chooses and made a list of it together on the book. He followed constraints choose by him. He expressed that he did not follow it today.…

  • A story of making song – from mother’s diary Nitya

    the story behind creating the song When mum goes pup… (part 1 of 2) I’ve become quite a sniffer pup of sorts after my recent Aarohi-x “activations.”(I explain activations in my next post)Like a sniffer pup, i go hunting for ‘bones’/ expressions of creativity in my family. When I catch a whiff of a bone,…

  • Weaning Breast feed

    Swati, Jagriti 52 batch sharing We had begun the process of stopping the breastfeed in the middle of the night when she would wake up. This wasn’t easy as she had been used to it from when she was a baby. But learning from a friend who had navigated through this phase by talking to…

  • From a mother’s diary – Visual Play

    Smriti and I played a game. We designed a drawing game. One person gets a chance to draw, she can draw in a way that the pencil is touching the page. Once she lifts her hand then it’s my turn. We had not decided what we will draw or what will be the output.We enjoyed…

  • Its not just Paper Folding

    It’s not just paper folding – there is a complete education system within this one passion this 12yr child has at this moment. Some may like to discard it as just a hobby, a waste of time, just play – but this 12 yrs old is creating his education around this one passion he has.…

  • Deep Learning happens when?

    DEEP DIVE began with “Deep Learning happens when?”Sharing –Curiosity, the transition from basic to the next level, understand what I am doing, develop, involvement, give 100% Role of PHYSICAL aspects – environment, body, etcSharing –Resources, silence, non-interrupted time, active body, Role of MENTAL aspects – beliefs, opinion, HOME, etcSharing –the attitude of learning, able to…

  • Story of Sandhya

    Sandhya shared “Our journey started when we thought 9-year-old Pranavswaroop needed to spend more time on his music. He was doing quite well at academics. However, we felt that his music was just an extracurricular and he wouldn’t be able to explore more. We thought we would handle the academics at home. Along the way,…

  • Knowing our kids – Mother’s Diary – Nitya

    The claim of knowing: part 1 At a recent SWA session, I was asked to share one observation about my child. Just like everyone else, I said”my child loves xyz and spends a lot of time doing that.”That was too easy. Can we move on to a deeper level of observation, please? Observing is not…

  • The power of community – Mother’s Diary

    Power of community: Never lets youslack I joined Aarohi-x looking for an outlet, a hobby, a diversion from the bleak news around. I didn’t expect much; as long as there are people and voices that I can hear beyond my four walls, that would do. It’s been a month now. And I’ve heard more than…

  • Dinosaur in my tea

    I was busy on my phone and my 3.7 yr old boy made a “dinosaur” on my pants dipping his fingers in my black tea. I was so lost in my phone I dint even know! There were so many things I had to be mad about this. 1. He put fingers in a very…

  • Meet Sahil – Creating his own Path

    Every child is unique, so it could be his/her education.Every Child is a leader, so he/she could lead their own learning.Every child is capable, so he/she could live an empowered life. Simi, mother of Sahil sharing “As parents we always knew that our child, Sahil as a well mannered, very loving and a talented kid…

  • Enjoy Parenting

    Parenting or teaching is NOT about some tricks or techniques or strategies it is about deeply understanding the child and his or her learning and development it is about providing a relationship that would enable the child to blossom into the unique human that he or she is It is not about a child’s future,…

  • Explore helping children learn from their experiences – V-Talks

    Is there any learning in these experiences? Child experiencing (and cribbing about) hot weather Child experiencing achievement in baking cookies Child experiencing shyness in interacting with guests Child experiencing fun in jumping on the sofa Child experiencing anxiety in sharing his/her toys The mother had encouraged him, goaded him, wished, and prayed for him. He…

  • Empowering – Mother’s Diary

    Firstly, I want to thank Aarohi for yesterday’s session. The question ‘What do I want? In the empowering session of Jagriti, ‘ resonated with me. I want to share my experience which happened with me today where my 3.5-year-old daughter was coloring a house in her book. She first colored a door and said “knock…

  • Power of choice – Mother’s Diary – Aarohi x

    Power of choice -part 1So y’all how’s it been? The last time I spoke to you about MSDhoni, Aarohi, penumbral leadership, and all. So let me keep this post less cerebral and more emotional. Ironically, I’m gonna be sharing about my journey of becomingmorecerebral andlessemotional. Ha. That’s clearly confusing for a start, y’all. Just stick…

  • Just Two Months – Mother’s DIary – Aarohi X

    Anjali – Mother of Arham, 5yrs old sharing When reflecting on the last two-month journey with Aarohi X,Arham explored emotions, making different tents using different material like boxes as bricks, dining table as roof covering with a bedsheet to cover it up, with cushions, etc.,He explored blocking the water in the basin using plastic to…

  • Joy of Doing – Raising Wealthy Children – Mother’s Diary

    I listened to Ratnesh and Vishruti’s live session last Friday.. what Ratnesh spoke pulled a string of thoughts n I started my reflection journey with respect to:- What was my kid consuming everyday? (nothing to do with food) Was he digesting it and producing anything using what he had consumed? And my list of consumables…

  • From a mother’s diary – Empowering

    Do we need to empower children? Or are they born empowered? Maybe we need to get out of their way – Maybe start walking with them or sometimes behind them – just following ’em. Maybe we need to enjoy our parenting/teaching role more – by realizing that it is not one set role but a…

  • Learning Parents

    In SWA – planning with parents on facilitating we also use the same planning tool – but the focus now was on the parent, not on the child :). Ambica, mother of 11and 7yrs old wants to spend time with children, And the stimulation was WHY – Connect with them, Know their understanding, Spend time…

  • Creative Process – Planning

    This week in Deep DIve and Drill rooms we worked with a simple tool of planning What-why-where-how-when and so only In deep dive space, we discussed more on HOW ELSE (deep dive is a space where kids choose to go deeper in any one or few interests) Skanda 13yrs old, is into making rap songs…

  • What do you see – a community?

    Do you see … all the people who made this possible… be it the coffee or the cup or the trek all the morning outdoors people! shopkeeper who made the sweater Coffee cup maker Bottle maker artist who painted guide creator of the Earth Nail polish maker cloth maker beautician who has done manicure who…