If you look closely the conventional education primarily works on creating fear – in children, in parents, and to some extent even in teachers. Fear of being less than peers, fear of getting bad marks, fear of not getting a star at the back of my palm, fear of teacher scolding, and yes fear of not getting a good job.
Many children buckle under this pressure, many do not like it but still sustain, some lucky few conquer it and rise as toppers.
But the moot point is do we want to gift this living-out-of-fear to our children?
Meet 14yrs old Advik and his family. He started with Aarohi 5yrs back, with no plans for the future- moving from one interest to another, exploring many things that he got attracted to. Last one year he got interested in business, started reading about it and jumped into learning how stock markets and trading works. He learns and lives trading nowadays, actually investing in the stock market, making and losing money, and growing his understanding of the business world.
Listen to their story of open learning, of letting his interests drive him rather than some pre-cooked plans.