Category: drupal-import

  • Connectedness – Simple game

    One ball, Few ropes, some distance to cover, and a target of putting in a bottle.It was not the game or the target, but it was all about coming together, playing together and being together and that’s all!

  • Human Chess

    We played human chess – a simple game with live pawns. Same rules as chess, but the option of discussing our reasoning. Just a small game and we experienced the concepts of logical thinking, permutation-combination, data collection, critical thinking, visual thinking, patterns, predictions, probability, cause-effect, evaluation, strategy, and rules!

  • Simple solution – Missing Money

    Rs 400/- missingSome peers came forward to listen and support Encouraged – Share in helpmate with the community Suggestion – collect Rs 20/- each Questions raised – what efforts to find that missing money? Thoughts – If doubting anyone, people will feel bad Questions raised – Money more important or people Solution – Search again,…

  • We Love to Learn as well as Teach

    Preparation for Learning Mela Stimulation – Do you all love to teach? – Yes. Would you like to conduct learning Mela for your juniors – YESSSS.Action – The immediate response was making their own groups, discussed what to teach, how to teach, where to teach, what resources l do we need to teach and came…

  • Mathematical Thinking in living

    Mathematical reasoning is all part of our lives – but sometimes, for some people, the word “mathematics” brings worries or the sight of numbers puts you off (I can’t do, I don’t know) or it excites you? We explored mathematical reasoning with games and puzzles. We played human chess – a simple game with live…

  • Talking Sexuality

    Lets Listen Sexuality In a way, sex education is not about education, but about our sexuality.In a way, education is not about studies, subjects, degrees, but about our life. John Sinclair, the poet, once announced, a workshop on Writing. The huge hall was teeming with people, some even hanging on the windows for want of…

  • Session – Self Time – Exploring Books

    This session was a surprise to me and broke my belief that “Many children don’t like to read books”. Stimulation:We did settle our minds with a small Visualization. Imagine with closed eyes, We are surrounded by books and what type of book interests me, and spent silence self-time with the music. Many felt uncomfortable to…

  • Session – Experiencing Team work – Making of Kelamangalam travelogue

    Stimulation:Do we all love to travel, how do you choose the place to travel ? – Yes, we all love it. We choose the place to visit to meet friends, family, to visit temples, To see the Palace, Museums, Parks, Forts, Place.Does Kelamangalam have such kind of attractions – Nooooooo . Do we all think…

  • LBD – Experiencig Waste through Timeline Activity

    Stimulation – Pictures of landfill – Am i part of this Waste Management. Am i also responsible for this mountain of waste? — YESSSSSSSS Session – Each group got a bag of waste to segregate based on the timeline taken to degrade waste.Children were Confused, how and what. We clarified – there was no right…

  • Identify Habits of Mind

    I know what I want to do, planning is done, time slots are assigned, but it still does not happen and it happens – why? What is that something working inside us which is making it happen or making it not happen? Yes…you are there “Habits of mind”. They are the operating system of our…

  • Creativity Process

    Creativity means we have the ability to create. And we can create anything. We can create – in ourselves – worry, calmness, fear, understanding, confusion, clarity, complexities, simplicity and … choices. In that sense, we are all creators. Creativity means we always have a choice. CREATIVITY PROCESS Collect – Collect loads of data, samples, instances,…

  • Understanding Retail business

    Understanding retail business and Statistics with Deep from Mumbai, he runs his retail shop of school supplies in Mumbai, Imagine Aarohi, where we learn from whosoever, can we… Words we heard – FMCG, luxurious products, essential for day to day life, Target area, Target age, Target population, Margin, discount, competition, neighbor shop, mall, online, attractive…

  • Understand Safety

    If safety is part of life, then why not understand it!In the teen club, we began with talking about, what all different kinds of areas we can understand safety?Each one of us wants to explore more on our own, create our own understanding based on our reading/research and experiences.The intent is to create awareness and…

  • Why learn Hindi?

    A letter from a learner Dear,I’ve to send you so many things. Will send one by one. Today I’m sending a specimen of my Hindi learning effort. Why I’m learning Hindi.. Because I need to learn my language…and it is important. If I learn to read and write Hindi I’d be able to learn Sanskrit,…

  • ParraiAttam

    It was an intense workshop with Agni Band, people dedicated to bringing ParaiAttam to the people. Parai Attam is a folk dance in Tamil Culturein which folks beat Parai (instrument) and dance (attam) to its rhythm. First day, the first 15 minutes, I wanted to run away, as I thought I would not be able…

  • Open Learning Resources

    Recording of the Webinar on Open Learning / Unschooling / HomeSchooling, 12Feb is available on youtube here The presentation (which is also like a concise guide to unschooling) is available here Check out more resources here Email / call back if you want us to respond to some of your questions.

  • Manifestation my Dreams

    What does manifestation mean? Being the best version of yourself Living a life that you love, manifesting your desires and dreams into reality Feeling your best and creating the best experiencesfor yourself. The focus of this teen club was to get in touch with what would I like to manifest this year – 2020 in…

  • Re-thinking Development

    What is development? Growth, Better, City? Country?Think of places you think are underdeveloped and are developed in the world and why- some of the criteria for individuals were:Developed – Population, Nature and Easy living, Technology, Literacy, Cool stuff, Big Buildings, Best in everything, Costumes, Developed cars and roads, Bollywood, WI-Fi all around, smart disposal of…

  • MAITRI-2020

    When we started our journey with children 20years back one of the great sources of learning were writings from various educators in the field of education, Maria Montessori was one of them. Learning is not limited to age – More than 300 Teachers coming together to learn from different people. It was indeed a great…

  • A date with teachers!

    Kids of different ages interacting with each other to discuss their goals, planning, reviewing learning, suggesting, questioning and supporting – 13 and 16 are not too small to interact with each other and guide each other on their learning plans, 8 and 9 yr olds are not too small to interact with each other and…

  • A date with a leader

    This 8yr old is not too small to organize an outdoor trip to Bangalore Palace in Chamrajpet. Trip plan: 10am – Reach the palace 10-1 See palace 1-2 lunch (get from home) 2 reflection and bye bye ta-ta The journey began with a belief “she can do it” – rest was just exploration for her.She…

  • A date with Debate

    Just a small debate session brought an opportunity to get engaged with different topics – a lot of research went into by each individual to present a one minute’s facts and proving the point – enjoyed the whole process.This 13yr old was not too small to lead and design this whole experience, not only for…

  • A date with BookClub

    A date with a book club with 14 yr old learner – This 14yr old was not small to lead this whole initiative. She likes books and is our librarian, she wanted to create an event around the library and that’s why this book club. In different groupsRead a book and expand a paragraph into…

  • Expressing my needs and wants

    This week’s curriculum at the campus – Expressing my needs and wants and ways of responding to situations, Reading, football, learning songs on keyboard, singing, gardening, poetry, observing, researching, screenplay, stitching, termite treatment, English, Maths, Zentangling products, catch up with NIOS subjects, make classy pots, jewelry making, understanding vitamin D, stuck market course, campus medic,…

  • Images and Responses

    A small reflection in the thought club to connect with self and understand responses through images. Write 5 positive adjectives to describe youWrite 3 negative adjectives to describe youWrite 2 positive and 2 negative adjectives about your friend/peer}Write 1 negative and 1 positive adjective about a peer whom you normally do not interactNow mark them…

  • Responding

    Do we communicate our feelings associated with a need or do we communicate a need? How important it is to communicate right need / want. All forms of communication are ok as long as we are sure of which one we are using and the awareness that one has multiple options to choose from. Lets…

  • Preparing-forest fire

    Dry season brings the phenomena of forest fire at the campus. And it needs understanding and mental preparation – we began the process today in safety training. Each one of us thought of a question and researched to find that answerWhat are the advantages of forest fireThe pros and cons?What are the famous forest fires?How…

  • Surfing to Self Discovery

    Any opportunity at Aarohi is an attempt to create an experience – the trip to Mulki to experience Surfing was not only about surfing as a skill but to discover self with various processes. The learning began with Journey preparations – consciously not suggested packing list, left to all the travelers to plan based on…

  • Surfing to Experience

    Some beliefs before we began Surfing…I can’t do, it’s going to be tough, I will not get it, I should get it perfect and so on. We didn’t want to change any of these beliefs, we just went ahead with all these beliefs. Some had different beliefs…I will do it, I can get it, I…

  • Learning Utsav – Preprations

    Learning Utsav, an opportunity to learn and teach from others without any age barriers – at the campus this brings an opportunity. The organizing and preparing for the Utsav bring a bigger opportunity to explore different aspects of self and learning. Making of products to sell – sampling, quality check, feedback, costing, advertising and facing…