A boy was sitting on the edge of a lake, looking yonder.
A passer-by asked, “whatcha doing?”
“Nothing” the boy replied.
He was lectured to use his time “productively”.
The boy sighed and waited for the first passer-by to go away.
After some time another passer-by asked, “whatcha doing?”
“Thinking” the boy replied.
Satisfied this passer-by moved on.
After some time another .passer-by asked, “whatcha doing?”
“Observing” the boy replied.
Satisfied this passer-by moved on too.
Now wiser, the boy continued to give people answers that they liked.
Finally, a child of the same age came along and asked, “whatcha doing?”
“Nothing” the boy replied.
Nodding in agreement, the child joined the boy, sitting down to do nothing!
Here is our recommended TO DO list for children
and for parents to allow them this summer!
1. Fail
2. Make wrong choices
3. Lose interest
4. Not learn
5. Do Nothing