We dream – this was a pause from the dream and connect with the dream or maybe expanding our dreams!
Stimulation – Childrenthought through and made a list of 10 things that they wanted in life in the future.
.Activity: Making our Vision in life.
PROMPTS to draw our Vision –
How do we want to see ourselves in life in the next 10 years?
What kind of job? Space we live? House? Community? Surroundings? Environment? Facilities I like to have? The country I would live in? The kind of World we would live to create.
Ended the activity with We have the power to create the world we like to live.
Observation: Some were involved in thinking, drawing, showing to each other their drawings, feeling good about it, some did not want to? Some just tried to draw looking at other drawings, some just laughed at others drawing. Some were feeling uncomfortable to show their drawing, Some were imagining and drawing their future, colorful and they meant what they need in their drawings.
We ended the session with Nature connect game.