Analyzing our week – In a week 168 hrs – What goes where?
Analyze day and calculate different experiences from the day – experience whole number, fraction, percentage, mathematical language, graph/pie chart and accounting of hours.
How many hours of sleep?
How many hours for exposure?
How many hours for skill development?
How many hours for self-care?
How many hours for entertainment?
How many hours for fitness?
How many hours for contributing?
How many hours for others?
How many hours for myself?
Many calculations, many self-realizations
6hrs of sleep!
Eating – 7hrs!
Research – 6hrs!
Entertainment -10 hrs!
Practicing skills – 14hrs!
Self-time – 42 hours!
Some could find all the hours, some are still searching for some unaccounted hours!
Some expressions
I am surprised about many things but also happy that I get to know what my week looks like. I missed a few hours because I don’t know what to do.
My day is jam-packed with learning, sleeping, contribution, self, friends, and play.
I am feeling satisfied with my day.
The time for sleep is way more than the learning and of I count everything then I am spending more time on other things that is my statement.
I like the ratio that I currently have. Around one-third of the time is spent on food, rest, sleep, etc, a little less than one-third on skill development and then the rest of the pie is other things I do like community contribution, hobbies, fitness, etc.