Category: Blogs

  • Is the Job of education to get us a job?

    Is the Job of education to get us a job? A child says “I want to become a doctor” At the age of four – we smile At the age of 8 – we start feeling nice At the age of 12 – we feel relieved the child is on right track’ At the age…

  • I know your emotions

    During KAA, an outstation trip, one child got down from bus and went to dark side. I had just announced that it is dark on left side, go towards back of the bus, take luggage and proceed towards the hotel. After she went into the dark, I asked “lets discuss your understanding about safety”. She…

  • Imitation or Inspiration

    One of the child is my session likes to copy winners and heroes. He will buy their clothes and accessories which makes him look like than (latest is football players), he will watch their actions in the match and copy the exactly same actions and will announce “i did like him”.For few days it made…

  • Balance of Silence and Complexity

    Read one quote by “Sri Sri Ravi Shankar) – “Life is simple and yet complex. When life appears most complex, turn to simplicity. Simplicity brings peace. When you are peaceful, attend to complexity within you, that will make you more skillful”. Well, I related this to facilitation. As a faculty I move from silence to…

  • PCD 15th July

    We began with understanding about. Session was about how to do different activities at home related to the theme going on in class. We picked up the theme of “Shopping”. We all came up with different activities related to the theme like Few expression from parents What if child is not interested in doing funwork?…

  • PCF at I campus

    As the parents came in they explored the welcome materials. Later the materials for stimulation were displayed and they were asked to do the activities, none of they came to be part of the stimulation, instead the parents choose to spend time with the content and MI guides. Later they were briefed about the objective…

  • Food and Fun

    I have seen children having fun from anything and at any time. I am quite surprised with their capability to have fun and take things not soooooooooo seriously. I need to learn from them. We had a fun filled lunch on our back journey of kaa. See food and fun filled photos.

  • Amazing Energy

    It was the first KAA of the year. Energies were very high. We decided to start early morning so that we get more time to explore on the way. All children reported to the centre by 6:15am as the departure was decided at 6:30am. On the way in the bus children started with games, singing,…

  • Effect of KAA

    Children went to a 2 days trip to Tamilnadu. They came back with their understanding, learning, and observations. Here is their self created land, with dams, river and all.

  • Freedom to do

    What happens when u give freedom to children? No one to watch, no one to judge, no one to tell what to do. However every time I visit aarohi children I see lot of things happening there.

  • My First KAA

    It was my first KAA. I started with the decision of theme. What should be the theme?? We decided the theme as land. Next was how do we explore land and planning of the same. We decided to explore land of different states of India. We wanted to keep first kaa short. So, we decided…

  • Way to Mettur

    Same land, same group and same resources. The perspectives, explorations and learning were not same. In our way to Mettur, we stopped at few places to explore land. Few became philosopher while few became poet. Few chose to draw while few chose to touch and feel. Few chose to record while few chose to guess…

  • Parents are our partners

    These words “Parents are Partners” was always hitting my mind, especially whenever there would be any event as “Manthan”, “Mela”, “Parent workshop”. In my initially years as facilitator, I was thinking that parents are actually partners – discussing, making decision together, communicating to each other, giving and taking updates, above all volunteering to participate in…

  • KAA preparation and begining

    KAA preparation and departure photos. See them preparing for the bus ride, packing medical kit, preparing name list and pages, deciding route and directions, writing codes. And on the KAA day morning some are considering to go or not go at last minute, some are waiting, some are chatting, bags in waiting, some are loading,…

  • Questions

    Thinking Skills are the mental processes we use to do things like: solve problems, make decisions, ask questions, make plans, pass judgments, organize information and create new ideas. Often thinking skills are taken as questioning. And questioning is taken as “question to answer? or restricted to “you tell, you decide, how you want to do”…

  • Bus Trip

    Today Driver Mary and Conductor Nayana took I campus children on a day trip in a bus. What is a KAA trip, when is it happening, how many days, where are we staying…news and views on all of this were discussed. The bus was a 2×2 seater, having 20 seats. Bus did all the travel…

  • What is project?

    I was asked a quetsion “What is project?” Here is my journey with projects at O-campus When we shifted to O-campus, we were very excited with the opportunities it opened up for – we wanted kids to do everything – take part in gardening, exploring nature at campus, work in solar, work with water system,…

  • Freedom

    Freedom word sounds very liberating and often scary. the struggle comes when it comes to “freedom with responsibility”. I take freedom to use resource the way I want to, what about the responsibility to care for that resource? I take freedom to choose what I want to do (comfort zone), but what about the responsibleness…

  • Enjoyment

    This began with someone asking “why to bring a child from sand area and put energies in making them involve in activities?” Enjoyment is not in bringing the child by force to session. Joy is not in making child do without any interest. Fun is not only in let play in sand area. Enjoyment is…

  • Fish for them or teach to fish?

    One of the question lingering in my mind “why only simply watering the plants, why not do more like measure the water, how plants grow and so on?” What is our role?To fish for themOr teach them how to fish So when they give water to the plants, what is our role – tell them…

  • Doing

    At O campus we have been working with four buckets (in different forms) from the beginning. We believed in it and we worked towards it. The effect of other 3 buckets is seen directly on the fourth bucket (Self development). One is not different from other, all are different ways to learn and know myself.…

  • Goal Setting

    Goal setting is often confusing Why notI do what I want? I do what is comfortable to me? I do what I have been doing? Often we get resistance/doubts when it comes to doing with a difference (challenges) for myself why do I do it differently? why to set challenging goal? Why Set challenging goal…

  • Teasing

    The other day one child showed communication file to me, it was written that somebody in class is teasing me and I am feeling bad about it.Then I asked what do you want to do? what is teasing? We brought this topic in thought club. Kids responded as below Teasing is somebody putting me down…

  • Various images

    Someone expressed “I do not take initiative”Someone asked “what about curiosity?”Someone said “what is the happening at Aarohi, why the word discipline here?”Someone said “why to push a child to come in session who is happily playing in sand area?” I was ponderingDo we work with one image?What will happen if we start working with…

  • Insects and my connection

    Prakrath joined us for live station. He is 10yrs old and he works with Insects, butterflies, frogs and snakes. He shared how he studies them, He also shared his tools and field books to study. We went around in the campus to catch butterflies and insects. It was PCF day for us at campus, some…

  • Exam Time

    Exam time is on at I campusFew children are going through an experience of exams. These children chose a subject or a topic a day in advance and they also decide the examiner too. So the children who appear for that particular exams come prepared a day in advance while the examiner comess with an…

  • PCF at O campus

    It was the feeling of togetherness. It was the environment of comunity. It was the space where adults, children all were together, yet working independently. We began parent interaction (PCF) with a brief about 4 buckets, and how parents can use that to plan their day. Informed that campus care is compulsory, rest all is…

  • Cause and Effect

    We were doing experiments with AIR. During the session I introduced the concept “cause and effect diagram” One child used the same concept in reflection, I did not correct him or changed anything. I do not want him to understanding now what I understand. I want him to try in many different ways and build…

  • Parent workshop

    Today it was my turn to take parent workshop. After thinking a lot, I decided to involve them in making lunch for us. We made Pasta. I could not stop myself when they asked “how to cut this?” and I replied “how do you want to cut?”Rest all story through the pictures below

  • Miracle man!

    Saw this video with kids in thought club – they saw without blinking their eyes. At the end – kids clapped. Reminded of movie Swadesh – in village children clapping after seeing movie. see video They liked itThey discussedThey shared “if you believe in you, you can do it”.Some pondered “how it can happen”Some shared…