Balance of Silence and Complexity

Read one quote by “Sri Sri Ravi Shankar) – “Life is simple and yet complex. When life appears most complex, turn to simplicity. Simplicity brings peace. When you are peaceful, attend to complexity within you, that will make you more skillful”.

Well, I related this to facilitation. As a faculty I move from silence to complexity. Just when a child is feeling satisfied and in silent mode, introduce challenge (complexity). And when the child is aghast with your chlannages, stay silent.

And Just when you think “this child is done, child is following what I say (illusions), doing what is suppose to be done (dangerous situation)” create complexity for yourself by thinking “what next can I do? When you think you are not getting anywhere or you have done too much – just take a silent break.

Silent break allows to think. It allows to bring back peace. Its important to have peace :). Challenge (complexity) brings excitement in life – it brings challenge for child and faculty both in different ways.

How about applying this to Parenting?

Just when you think, you are not getting anywhere with your child – take a silent break

And when just you think it is too silent, inject a challenge (complexity) in your child’s life. Its important to understand the objective of the challenge – to get some results (I want) or to experience challenge?

It is very natural to get submerged into parenting and not take a break (I call it thinking break) – silence helps here. It is very natural get into routine parenting responsibilities, earning money (job, work) – silence helps in breaking the routine. After the silence and with peaceful mind, challenges becomes easy.
Overall I like the mix of both – combination makes my life “peacefully skillful”.
