
At O campus we have been working with four buckets (in different forms) from the beginning. We believed in it and we worked towards it. The effect of other 3 buckets is seen directly on the fourth bucket (Self development). One is not different from other, all are different ways to learn and know myself. We began our journey at I campus too. While we work on our goals, our needs, our interest, we also include

  1. doing for the place we are using, called campus card.
  2. doing for the development of the campus we need, called campus development.
  3. doing for the community we work together, called community development
  4. doing for me, called self development.
It may bring resistance

why should I mop the floor (campus care)?
why do I have to work for resources – to create or to maintain (campus development)?

It may raise the question come in mind “why only cleaning/sorting – why not do something else?”Often we worry about “how is child doing, is the child reading/learning different topics/doing project etc?” But what about “how is child taking part in campus care? If a child is working on maths for a week, or creating a garden or preparing for stage show or reading Harry potter for a quiz……..we do not say “why kids are working on this for so long?

When kids work on cleaning and sorting resources for two weeks, doubt may come in mind “why cleaning and sorting, why kids are not doing “something else”. Is this learning? If a child is working on maths for a week, or creating a garden or preparing for stage show or reading Harry potter for a quiz……..we do not say “why kids are working on this for so long? When kids work on cleaning and sorting resources for two weeks, doubt may come in mind “why cleaning and sorting, why kids are not doping “something else”. At homes, parents try to “make up” for the “academics”. When a child comes back home. eagerness to know “what did you learn today” is high?”

Often wonder what is learning? Is learning is categorized only in “reading, maths, science, workshop, skills…….?”

  • What about the efforts to sort that resource?
  • What about the efforts I put in cleaning the resource (it is my challenging zone, I have never cleaned, and I do not like cleaning)
  • What about my progress – how many ways, how much better and multi-skills I applied
  • What about my own progress, irrespective of the content I work on (including cleaning and sorting resources).

Two kids who spent three weeks on cleaning and sorting resources. They both worked on categorization, they pushed their limits, the work was not interesting to them but they wanted to finish in time, they know all about resources at campus, they know what and where to use those resources, they take initiative to care for the resources…………..what about this learning?

So is it about the “type” of learning or about learning? Here is some dough on doing- click here
