Today Driver Mary and Conductor Nayana took I campus children on a day trip in a bus. What is a KAA trip, when is it happening, how many days, where are we staying…news and views on all of this were discussed.
The bus was a 2×2 seater, having 20 seats. Bus did all the travel inside the Aarohi building. Travelling from one floor to another was not a problem at all.Bus stopped in between but the journey continued for almost half the day. Water, animals, rocks, earthquakes – all came out during the Nature Antakshari. We then went on a touch-feel trip in the same bus using only our feet as our sensors. We felt the gound, the texture, its grip with our bare feet. Children then teamed up as ‘old to KAA ‘ along with ‘new to KAA’ and began a journey within a journey for goal setting. It did not matter if you go or not go to KAA, all set their work plan (goals) for the week.
Driver Mary and Conductor Nayana had become ‘conventional’ today. They inspected the planning and if they were satisfied, only then they gave their autograph to the child. The child also got the packing list along with the autograph. There was a slight murmur in the bus with this checking and signing by the Driver and Conductor…but passengers were composed through out. After all, its KAA time of the year.
Bus Trip