Category: Blogs

  • One more pet

    I was on my way to resource roomI saw a little snailWho looked at me with love’I made a home for herwith leaves and mudSome thoughts it was a decorative pieceWhat you think? Where is my snail? Snail pet by a child

  • Ready for challange?

    Last week I opened Google doc to type reflection. All kids logged in together and they were typing. This brought its own challenge – once all the matter also got deleted. Some expressed “its tough”. This week, I asked, do you want to try the challenge again, they were ready. Today also many problems…………they continued.

  • My day

    This was not poetry session, one child shared reflction through a poem Like the river I let the day flow and let the earth define my path.Like a raindrop i worked in a group.Like a tear i caressed the dogs with my love.Like the wind, music swayed in my day, brightening up my day.

  • Debate

    It began with a notice “Setting up a debate in thought club. Past few months concerned with the environment of talks and topics at Aarohi. My concern is about “self awareness” and knowing one’s needs. Group 1 in favour and Group 2 in opposition”. It began with “what is the topic of debate?” I did…

  • Is this empowerment?

    During art week at Aarohi, I had a wonderful exposure of my own struggle. One of the resource person began with “comparing kids, putting down, analyzing”. He was encouraging by comparing. I had my own struggle – should this happens in Aarohi or not? I let this happen. I let this make me understand my…

  • Music Consultant

    One child likes MusicShe also likes moviesShe was organizing music resourcesShe started with sorting themPutting them in different categoriesListening to many of themRecommending for different purposesShe brings music at campusShe brings variety at campusShe is consultant to many for music.

  • Just one

    Last year we introduced literature clubRread one novel togetherThis year I did not start Last year in Flocci we introduced “different genre of books”This year we did not repeat One child who was working in libraryMade a list of different “genre” of books (It was easy to make list)Collected from library and displayed (but difficult…

  • Dreams comes true

    Last year, our kitchen garden failed – we could not give water daily, one truck ran over our seeds and so on. We did not stop!!! We continued Collected all kinds of seedsSmall and big hands working togetherCleaned up landMade bedsMade water channelsMessed up our hands with d’wat waterPlanned with the groupWe were confused –…

  • I decide

    She came to me and told “Today food is no good, bad news aunty”. After some time invited her to eat. She informed “I have finished eating”. I invited again, again and again. Every time she told me something different I have finished my lunch I ate rice I do not like eating rice I…

  • No age bar

    We work with peersNo age barWe work by ourselfno age barWe work togetherNo any bar.

  • Observation is beautiful

    Began stimulation differently, Began with a format of goal setting “goal, why I want this goal, what all I know and how many ways can I work on this goal”. After they wrote what all ways, we went to different places at the campus like resource room, rocks, courtyard, nature lab, kitchen, games section and…

  • My progress

    When he came to Aarohi, he expressed “I cannot draw, paint and I write horribly”. We did not ask him to do anything about it, but also did not stop creating opportunity to write, paint and draw. Initially he will not show to anyone. Then, slowly he started becoming comfortable with sharing his creations of…

  • Not easy

    One child expressed “writing on black board is difficult”. We write our weekly responsibilities on the board. He was given feedback “what you write we are not able to read”. He expressed “I find it difficult to write on the board” After that we did not do any changeshe continues to writehe continue to try…

  • My Reasons to learn

    When I am curious, I tryWhen I try, I discoverWhen I discover, I say “I did it!!” A child exploring inner curiosity. My little son wants to travel around the world. He first bought a sketchbook and started collecting things related to various countries. Last week he showed interest in sketching. He wants to learn…

  • My efforts

  • My needs

    Two kids went inside the toilet together. The action was questioned. They went around and asked everyone in the community “are you ok with this action”. Some said, not okay, some said “its your choice”. One said “I am okay till I am not the other person, and it is not me, and secondly other…

  • Pets as resource

    Finally all dogs are sterilized. They are back home and recovering. One of them was pregnant and kids took the decision to abort. Hmmmmmmmm the whole process of taking this decision was interesting and thoughtful. At many places we were thrown challenges and team came out of it :). It began with emotional decision –…

  • Harry Potter and the Order of Feelings

    Aarohi was abuzz with Harry Potter mania a while ago. It caught the fancy of my then 6-year-old daughter. Since she couldn’t read these books yet, she was learning about it by what she heard. So, one day she declared she wanted to buy the ‘Harry Potter and the Order of Feelings‘ book. I asked…

  • Rain and Energy

    I read in book by Peter Lorie “Wonder child”. “The cold makes body jump with energy. Children feel it immediately which is why they become excited when snow began to fall. Snow also makes air cleaner. Also it makes home more comforting, more secure…….”.Here is what i saw at campus with rain.

  • Is this learning?

    One child informed “I am not doing anything today”. After some time, she was looking for her notebook, she looked all around, she did not find. After searching all over the place she asked me to write a notice for all. We did it together. We wrote the color of the missing notebook and size…

  • Parent as resource

    Leela, parent of Aarohi child, comes to campus every Monday. She began with helping in kitchen – we all welcomed change in our menu, some new stuff in food. She moved to taking up a project to trace flora and fauna, After some time she moved to making a solar cooker. She started with using…

  • Art week – Story

    Art week began with exploring colours and ended up with colours on the wall. We started with understanding colours, playing with colours and creating with colours. Next day went for colour walk, to see colour in the nature. We looked at tiniest of the colour in nature. This walk set the stage to mix colours…

  • Session ki baate

    This week started little differently. We had an exam. We all wrote seven questions of fourteen marks. This was surprise test. Time duration was 15 minutes. All questions were based on thinking. It was fun to conduct an exam. I applied my understanding of exam in stimulationJ, as our weekly objective was thinking skill application.…

  • Loving Team

    Me get pamperingKids love meI love kidsTogether we make a loving team

  • I learn by doing

    Child sharing how he learns If you want to know how to read, come to me.If you want to know how to write, go to someone else.I learnt reading by understanding my own styleI learnt by doing it many timesI am still learningI learn in many different ways

  • Fossil

    Began with digging inside self “what is that I want really really I want to do”.Started with finding about Dinosaurs – the topic excites me.Constraint – no reading from books or internetBegan to dig and dig in campus to find some traces and fossils.Every unusual object was suspected to be a fossilBrushing, cleaning and finishing…

  • Solar Cooker

    Solar cooker assembly – yet to inaugurate. Thank you Asutosh and Vaishali for all the efforts and sponsorship

  • From Session

  • Maths and Creativity

    Match club brings creativity – designing games in our own styles Combining alphabets and numbers Using dice USing numbers Using text books Using games

  • What is war?

    Today our flocci was on WAR. We started with mindmap, collected children’s responses. Why wars? its impact? different types of war? what is war? disagreement, conflict, invasion, stratagies of war – defence, attack, land war, animals used in war… etc. Children saw two videos of war, an ancient war(Mughal-e-Azam) and Iran war. Children drew pictures…