This week’s curriculum at the campus – Expressing my needs and wants and ways of responding to situations, Reading, football, learning songs on keyboard, singing, gardening, poetry, observing, researching, screenplay, stitching, termite treatment, English, Maths, Zentangling products, catch up with NIOS subjects, make classy pots, jewelry making, understanding vitamin D, stuck market course, campus medic, programming, making products with coconut shell, music beats, write songs, clean Terrapin pond, website designing, podcast,
We opened up the doors to interact on music, movies, art, entrepreneurship, reading, programming, dance, business, understanding the working of our country, business, accounts, and deliberate practice.
Expressing my needs and wants and ways of responding to situations as part of the curriculum this week as a weekly theme – experienced through passive, assertive and aggressive communication.
Situation – One of us did not prepare the session, some of the responses were
Passive – some didn’t respond, let go, no issue
Assertive – what help did you need, what support do you need?
Aggressive – we demand to prepare right now, do it now, why did you not prepare, you are not responsible, what were you doing, careless, lazy?
Explored that there are various ways to communicate to fulfill needs and wants and no one way is superior to others, these are just various choices.
A small reflection in the thought club to connect with self and understand responses through images.
Write 5 positive adjectives to describe you
Write 3 negative adjectives to describe you
Write 2 positive and 2 negative adjectives about your friend/peer}
Write 1 negative and 1 positive adjective about a peer whom you normally do not interact
Now mark them – sometimes, few times, many times, always
Who are you? Describe yourself again
Who are the people around? Describe them again
We all are different at different times, so why do we cage ourselves and others in one image? What if we accept ourselves with a million images?
Write about yourself – Passive, Assertive or Aggressive in responding. Now go back to your responses and see if your responses are based on your image of someone?
A NOTE – Images, positive or negative both ways limits our understanding and observation about self and others. We are not always something, then why limit ourselves in those images? I am not always helpful, so not always lazy – what do you say?
We questioned
What does it mean to be a child? – Cute, Innocent, not capable, do whatever I want to do, restriction, no inhibition
What does it mean to be a teenager? Emotional and Sexual needs, girls and boys, crush, irresponsible, conscious of looks, pimple
What does it mean to be an adult? know all, never tired, have money, should say yes,
The word “teenager” is just a few decades old!
We questioned some stereotypes of teenagers in the teen club today
Real music is only..
Adults work hard. Teens are supposed to be lazy
Selfie is the in thing
Teens are not supposed to be of any good – just while away
We are too young to not understand life
All teens have a phone, and we cannot live without it
LOL, ROTFL, TMI, TBH, SMH? Is the language
Dressing inappropriately is part of being cool
What they portray in movies is the reality
We questioned, “crush overrated?” What does it mean? Who created this definition? What does this image do?
is our whole life is just a continuum, we are born and then we grow and grow on till at some time we just fall off and die? Is the demarcation called childhood an arbitrary notion?
The key problem with calling a child a ‘child’ or a “teenager” is that it loads their mind with a multitude of assumptions and beliefs about them, which can be very limiting and constraining in the way they work with themselves.