Stimulation – Pictures of landfill – Am i part of this Waste Management. Am i also responsible for this mountain of waste? — YESSSSSSSS
Session – Each group got a bag of waste to segregate based on the timeline taken to degrade waste.
Children were Confused, how and what. We clarified – there was no right and wrong just segregate based on your understanding.
The timeline was from 1 week to million years. Children tried segregated as per their understanding shifting from one timeline to other time, some wastes by discussing, some by understanding and some just like that.
We then announced – the timeline for the different wastes. Shared Thermo coal cannot be decomposed at all and if burnt they produce harmful gases, Plastics take 40 – 5000 years, Tin – 40 – 50 years and so ….. Children started shuffling the timelines based on the announcements. They saw a lot of plastic varieties were collected and they were on timeline of 50 – 5000years.
What can we do about these plastic waste – They came up with 4R’s – Refuse, Reduce , Recycle, Reuse. They came with a lot of reusable ideas. Some wanted to play music with tin.
Reflection – Which type of waste would you like to not create – Thermocaol and plastic.