When we started our journey with children 20years back one of the great sources of learning were writings from various educators in the field of education, Maria Montessori was one of them.
Learning is not limited to age – More than 300 Teachers coming together to learn from different people. It was indeed a great pleasure for us to be part of Maitri celebrations, and getting to meet enthusiastic teachers.
Montessori trained teachers wanting to make a difference, IngING about Learner’s Led learning. Learning from Aarohi’s experience – a session with us in a conference, MAITRI -2020.
Thepresentationwe used https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vTAw2rrlHfzQ0SIYXWmDeljEQAoZMTANs-y3NkxId75iS9vDE-rZbocb7D-aTv4aYCFDYtXRw_yYN0U/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000&slide=id.g7d60010f06_0_7