Mathematical reasoning is all part of our lives – but sometimes, for some people, the word “mathematics” brings worries or the sight of numbers puts you off (I can’t do, I don’t know) or it excites you? We explored mathematical reasoning with games and puzzles.
We played human chess – a simple game with live pawns. Same rules as chess, but the option of discussing our reasoning.
Just a small game and we experienced the concepts of logical thinking, permutation-combination, data collection, critical thinking, visual thinking, patterns, predictions, probability, cause-effect, evaluation, strategy, and rules!
Documentation this week was all about analyzing our week – In a week 168 hrs – What goes where?
Analyze your day and calculate different experiences from the day – experience whole number, fraction, percentage, mathematical language, graph/pie chart and accounting of hours. Some could find all the hours, some are still searching for some unaccounted hours
How many hours of sleep?
How many hours for exposure?
How many hours for skill development?
How many hours for self-care?
How many hours for entertainment?
How many hours for fitness?
How many hours for contributing?
How many hours for others?
How many hours for myself?
Many calculations, many self-realizations
60 hrs went into sleep!
Eating – 7hrs!
Research – 6hrs
Entertainment –
Practicing skills – 14hrs!
Self-time – 42 hours!
Any suppressed emotion, any event of frustration, any grudges with anyone in the community – a small Guided visualization to listen to that emotion, a small activity of re-living the experience and thinking of possible alternate solutions. And that’s all about helpmates. Event-Thoughts and Feelings-Reaction-Alternate“could have done”. Re-living the experience and analyzing through a simple tool for some brought the same intensity of the emotion, for some relief, some reflected to be hopeful.
Suduko – Play with numbers, children shared its not play with numbers – It needs Prediction, Guess, Random, Pattern, Trial, and Error.
We played memory game using pictures of our national leaders – Random, guess, patterns of starting letters to remember, a name with row and column arranged. Each one had a unique way to remember. Sometimes we could remember, sometimes we missed. When one is taking turn to point correct card, others were excited to share, prompting yes!/No, confusing….We also played The
Tower of Hanoi. How to arrange bigger to smaller disc with few constraints. As a team, we discussed each other’s ideas, strategy, to arrange, pattern to form, the reasoning for each other’s ideas…