Preparation for Learning Mela
Stimulation – Do you all love to teach? – Yes. Would you like to conduct learning Mela for your juniors – YESSSS.Action – The immediate response was making their own groups, discussed what to teach, how to teach, where to teach, what resources l do we need to teach and came up as a group to give their names and plan. Preparation was ready in time, explored the space and safety aspects. They all came with groups for nominating their names for sessions
.Observation – Some were in apprehension who will teach, how will we teach, I don’t want to do? I’ll go back. Friends helped each other, convinced each other to be part of taking sessions. All wereReflection: Nomination sheet ready with all details
Reflection: Nomination sheet ready with all details.
Permission was also taken for conducting Learning Mela for next session.