Creativity means we have the ability to create. And we can create anything. We can create – in ourselves – worry, calmness, fear, understanding, confusion, clarity, complexities, simplicity and … choices. In that sense, we are all creators. Creativity means we always have a choice.
Collect – Collect loads of data, samples, instances, examples, information, etc on anything – to get loads of raw material.
Imagine – Play around, think crazy, let mind visualize and imagine it in many different ways – no boundaries limited only by fantasy.
Constraint – Constraint by its own nature forces one to look at the same thing in a different way and hence you need to bring in something new to create new.
We began by creating a symbol for peace. And then we collected at least 10-12
Meanings and synonyms of word Peace
Pictures of people showing peace
Icons / graphics / Clip arts depicting peace
Quotations on peace
Names & few details of People connected with peace
Events related to peace
Movies/documentaries related to peace
Stories, Novels, Poetry related to peace
Songs related to peace
And then explored drawing peace – as if to be given to a beloved, as if part of a large feast, as if a movie show is just over, as if a toy for a child as if related to dustbin, how a honeybee out of her hive will see it, how a cloud will see it, how a bus conductor will see it, how Tarzan would see it, how a toothbrush will see it
Then designed a new symbol for PEACE “a constraint of not using any of the symbols collected earlier in only 20 sec”.
And then some reflection
What all can you collect from your day?
How many different ways did you do your self-care?
How did you solve all the problems today?
Imagine what different strategies you could have used in your day?
What can you Imagine from the day?
Why iscreativityimportant in everyday life?byBetsy Roe
It is because it makes life infinitely interesting and fulfilling.Creativityis a way of living life that embraces originality and makes unique connections between seemingly disparate ideas.Creativityis about living life as a journey into seeing and communicating the extra-ordinariness of the simplest, most every day acts.We often think aboutcreativityas making something, but in fact the root meaning of the word means ‘to grow’. When we arecreativewe feel as if the world and all that is in it is vibrantly alive.Creativity’s by-products are some of the major achievements of civilization–from the invention of the wheel to Mozart’s sonatas.Human beings are essentially borncreative–from infancy on we find innovative ways to negotiate life. The mostcreativepeople find ways around obstacles because they see them not just as roadblocks but also as opportunities.Creativityexpands our perceptions and along with expanded perceptions come new ways of problem-solving–from making an exquisite meal when you don’t know how to cook to painting an extraordinary landscape when you are living in a freezing attic and can’t afford a full box of paints.