Kids of different ages interacting with each other to discuss their goals, planning, reviewing learning, suggesting, questioning and supporting – 13 and 16 are not too small to interact with each other and guide each other on their learning plans, 8 and 9 yr olds are not too small to interact with each other and guide each other on their learning plans..what do you say?
So here we go this week for PeerEntor
Review and Reflect your peer’s 6th term planning
Understand your peer’s strengths and weaknesses
Listen, Guide, Support, Pull, Push, and Question to your peer
Create break week planning for each other based on a review of 6th term action till now
Share action plan of your peer on the community platform
Stay connected with each other during the break week and get involved in each other’s planning.
Understand self and social needs of each other
They interacted with the above framework and planned each other’s week and the curriculum is “Music, Craft, Crochet, Pot making, 30-day challenge in farming, Do term planning, Math Write 2story, Thought book 30 challenge, Speak in Hindi for as long as you can, Update term 7 planning (purpose, term plan and weekly plan, Research about one product that you can make every day (get 7 products by the end of the week), Make notes of whatever you have learnt in business until now, record products made until now, learn one song on guitar every day, Find someone who can teach about music theory and learn music theory, Learn 2 new ocarina tunes, Practice Odissi dance one and half hour every day, Look for a Sangeeta teacher, Go running everyday, Call and tell progress, Finishing 14 chapters which is not done, keyboard practice learning full song, selling products and reading Sadhguru book finish chapter mind. Studies – 1 lesson every day, Dance – daily classes and practice, Carnatic singing practice 1 hour every day, Gardening – find a place to grow plants, Veena – practice 1 hour every day, Fitness – according to fitness plan, Entertainment – 1 hour every day, Spend time with parents and farm, Zentangle or mandala – 2 per week, Connect with me for any support! Updates will be put on slack, making commitment planning for next term, carving key chain 4, daily job routine, football how much to do daily and playing football, reading and writing what he reads, daily new 10 words and gardening cutting bushes and putting for mulch finishing 1/2 of the work, Make a full beat on GarageBand, Get 5 ideas for coconut shell, Do doodles from start to finish, Get to know about 3 new snakes and post it in slack., For reflection connect with peer every day and have fun!”
A common myth “A Common Myth about children “Not as an adult” By calling children “children” we are clearly saying that they are not adults. We end up believing that they cannot have the same qualities as adults. Also, whatever childish qualities they seem to have they need to outgrow them, only then they call be called mature adults! Qualities such as a sense of humor, joy of action, of achieving, etc.
Once we release children of this notion of ‘not being adults’, we gain two productive behaviors:
One, we start treating them with the respect they deserve.
Two, stop constraining them and eschew behaviors that only undermine the very development we want to see in them.
Clearly, if we want to be effective as teachers we need to release children from the prison of our perception. We need to relook at children NOT as children but as respectable, responsible, independent, individuals whose dignity is defined not by what they do and how they do, but by valuing them as what they are!