Category: Blogs

  • Neem at Campus

    Neem is the latest at campus.Yesterday we burnt neem leaves and kids saw a considerable differennce in mosquitoes. Kids super liked the idea. Since evening they were behind me…………..did you put NEEM ???? And all this led to Neem oil, Neem soap, Neem bandana, Neem bath…………………..we are neemed.

  • Where is the YES coming from?

    One child – I have to do this, this,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and I have to be careful. Response – yes. Now let us look at it differently Saying YES, confirming that someone else (faculty, adult, other person) has confirmed and i am safe. So, how about saying “so, you want to be careful?” Where is the YES coming…

  • Learning from kids

    Today Dhrupad had planned to cut b’day cake at I-campus. He ordered and I had to pick at 11.I forgot………….went for a workshop, while coming back I remembered.When I reached , he was jumping with his tablet. I asked sorry and he said just give me a kiss. I was sitting with him, after some…

  • Kitchen Walls collapsed

    On Thursday we reached till the roof level, the bamboo order placed after lot of search and negotiations………….and about to start roof work from Monday. On Saturday morning we saw, three walls collapsed, the entire structure was down. My first reaction “what can I learn from it?”One of the child who is working on the…

  • Road Channels

    Rain started cutting our roads. First time when it happened, I called JCB and levelled the road. It was cut again, I took the help of labours and filled up the gaps, third time I used stones and patted with stone to make it solid…………….with every rain, road continued to cut and I continued to…

  • Mosquitoes @ Campus

    At the campus, the mosquitoes starts coming in by 5 pm and we start shouting from 5 to 9 pm – keep the door close, please keep the door close, heyyyyyyyy keeeeeeeeeeeeep the door closssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssed. I was somehow was not happy with this people reminding each other after every 5 minutes – “keep the door…

  • What is language for?

    Paramesh joined Aarohi last month. We used to talk ?” trying to learn English. He is also trying to learn English……………all speak to him in English, He is also working on learning English. Soon we started thinking what next? How do we work ahead in “learning English” And then we began questioning self. What is…

  • Alert of Fear?

    Snakes at the campus have become another learning opportunity. I grew up and lived with fear for snakes. I am not now with the snakes at the campus, I have learnt that They cannot gulp me, no matter what is my size 🙂 They are not waiting for and bite me They may take shelter…

  • Real Book

    Recently we read about body language of kittens and puppies. Soon kids started guessing…….now the tail is up and down and the puppuy is happy and sad………….The first thoughts – let us make, draw, print the charts and display and this will be good reference material. I was also doing the same. I paused……….and asked…

  • Learning at Resturant

    Consider this scene inside a restaurant: 20 children really hungry for breakfast. Two of them are to take everybody’s orders, collate and give it to the restaurant manager, and distribute the food when the order arrives. What will you do? The adult in me was itching to help, interfere, take over. I knew how to…

  • Learning at Resturant

    Consider this scene inside a restaurant: 20 children really hungry for breakfast. Two of them are to take everybody’s orders, collate and give it to the restaurant manager, and distribute the food when the order arrives. What will you do? The adult in me was itching to help, interfere, take over. I knew how to…

  • ME in my needs

    Good news, we left our Bangalore house!!! We have been celebrating all my son’s b’day parties at home – thought behind it “we have space, then why do we need to go out”. This year we are at campus – a community space. My son worked on his needs “celebrate b’day parties using various spaces”.…

  • Government @ Aarohi – First Draft

    During the open house session we explored what is “government”. We began with sharing what we know about government – rule, take decisions, team of people working, take care of city, do repairs……………..,Then we pondered what government we have at Aarohi – kids shared It is our govt by us. We can choose what we…

  • Child’s commitment and parent role?

    During Diwali we had 10 days break. Just before this break we had puppies at the campus and it required some amount of commitments. Kids committed to work on medical, training and understanding hygiene of pets – they promised to work from home. Commitments are part of learning process at Aarohi. Failing to do the…

  • My job in real life

    My son was screaming from the room inside – help me help me. I replied “I love you”. He screamed with double volume “instead of telling I love you can you help me”. I expressed “I thought you need emotional help, so I said I love you”. He finally said “okkkkkkkkkkkkkk can you help in…

  • Beliefs and kids and my role?

    During KAA-Belur, Two kids decided to order same food for all and after interaction we understood that they they were working with few assumptions If we allow all kids to order as per their wants, then they will not take care and waste lot of food (assuming we will do it right and others will…

  • Government @ Aarohi

    During the open house session we explored what is “government”. We began with sharing what we know about government – rule, take decisions, team of people working, take care of city, do repairs……………..,Then we pondered what government we have at Aarohi – kids shared It is our govt by us. We can choose what we…

  • Beliefs of kids – Adults

    Last week in open house the case continued on faculty. The case was to “force to take decision”. 10 kids put the case Before the first hearing 6 took the case back. After first hearing, the case was on “the process of voting to take decision”. Last week the case took u turn. The case…

  • relaxing like you

    All kids were working in their teams. Some were arranging for food, water, some were making schedule, some were making arrangements for stationery etc etc……………. I was consciously not doing, I was following what I was asked to do by the teams. After discussion with the respective teams, I was relaxing. One child came to…

  • Learning @ Restaurant

    Two kids took the responsibility of managing food at the restaurants – they analyzed the needs of all, decided the order and re-order, minimum food was wasted – they managed with very tight look at the quantity of the food ordered. Last KAA, one child took all the responsibility and managed with everyone’s need. In…

  • look other side

    Two kids informed me “We are taking bath together”. I asked, how are you going to take care of your private body parts? He thought for some time and told me “he will look somewhere else and I will look away”. I was expecting that he will say “I will wear underwear and take bath”.…

  • KAA – Belur – Halebidu

    The trip to Belur started with loooooong breakfast. At the temple different children were busy in exploring different things – some were looking at the shape while some wanted to climb the pillars, some were exploring the soap stone, some were looking at design while some were tracing the designs. One child began with “what…

  • Thinking I am able

    As a faculty it was my first experience facilitating for Kaa preparation. I shared the same with kids. Children began their work. Few shared with me what all they did. Few did what they were supposed to do. Few moved ahead in their journey. Nowhere did they think it was their agenda to teach me…

  • Medicinal value

    Kaa preparation opened up a Pandora box of understanding expiry dates of medicine. It started with sorting out the names and the usage based on creams and syrups. They then moved to read the names- the names I was aware it moved to one side, the names which were new did not find a place-justification…

  • What is government?

    During openhouse, One of the child shared “Aarohi government is a place where everyday teaches everybody something new everyday, lot of people are there and some of the people want to teach and some want to teach and practice”.

  • in two minds

    One child was coordinating for Ayudha puja with all the the workers at the campus, He estimated Rs 600/- for the event. When he went to buy material in the market with the mason, the bill went upto Rs 1100/-. At the end of the Puja, the workers asked for bonus, which was not planned…

  • Visualization or Imagination or Thinking in mind?

    One of the week was “visualization”. Kids went through stimulation on what is visualization – we did few activities to explore visualization for learning, for detailing and use visualization to learn from different perspectives. Kids shared I explored Tangram and Pentominoe through visualization. I understood accounts better by visualizing the transaction first . I explored…

  • Adult or Faculty?

    Aarohi is a learning space Any resource which does not allow – mistakes, thinking, questioning, understanding, exploration, experience and experimentation is not worth at the learning campus. I am apprehensive about adults interfering with learning process – an adult uses immediate verbal instructions/ reaction and that seems to be the most appropriate reaction while a…

  • Learning by experiencing

    Last week I experienced the difference in action and theory. At campus we have gone through many discussions on “when you see snake what to do”. And one of the code we all have understood (in theory) is to leave the place if you spot the snake inside the house and the snake will abandon…

  • Young Parents @ Aarohi

    I have heard the quotation “make children laugh and when they are laughing, put learning in their mouth”. For many years I took this literally “make them laugh – I tried jokes…….jumping around to amuse them…………..used puppets and many more things……since last two week I have been experiencing laughing in terms of self achievement. Kids…