Category: Blogs

  • We want to keep my Job

    Aaron and Abhi are part of plumbing team. They do the maintenance of the broken toilet every Thursday. Looks like they want to keep their job. Here is why?

  • Process helps

    Colourful curves in a tray. Oh I look at it, I am unsure should I touch it or should I not. I am seeing what others are doing. I go and grab the curvy pieces. Yeah what joy!!! I got it all for myself. What do I do now? I have seen my peers fixing…

  • Observation

    Body outside was a week packed with loads of action. For me as faculty it was a beautiful expierence to soak in. Observing children without emotions and expectations helped me to be with their needs. I could share with them their zones-challenging, comfort and frustrating zones. Few of them worked with the inputs, few continued…

  • Singing Outdoor

    Music and Singing In our outdoor visit to a musical instruments shop, children’s curiosity to explore and understand was the driving force. Eyes wide open, soaking in every detail of the rich display of musical instruments, time stood still for all of us Our hosts must be aware of the amusement level in their visitors….they…

  • Sexual safety – Rights ad Duty

    Sexual safety – It is my constitutional right to be sexually safe. Hmmmmm the session began with a quiz………………….and we moved on to “what are my rights and duty for my sexual safety”. They shared RIGHTS I have the right to take action if I am not safe I have the right to take action…

  • Listening for learning

    Using “LISTENING” for learning in different forms.

  • Different forms of determination and inspiration

    In movie “Bhag Milkha”, my eyes saw the dedication and determination. One child saw “TYRE” and “MUSCLES”. Even the hurt, while he was running could not stop him from running more”.He was inspired to run with tyre and inspired to build muscles. We saw the same muscles in our neighbour who is black smith, he…

  • Learning campus

    Few weeks back we were affected by lightening – our solar panels were damaged and needed repair.Although most of the kids were nor directly involved with this project (they have many other project running and they are busy), they were all learning passively with adults around. Vishaland Rajesh worked relentlessly and innovatively to ensure that…

  • I can learn, I am AMABLE

    One child in the session began with playing cricket. He naturally moved to reading about it, asking people to teach him and practicingand experimenting by self. He shared “I practiced my batting skills and made my new steps. Next day I tried spinning the ball in many different ways – front, back, sideways. Next day…

  • I want to become a special kid

    I want to be a special child. My mom asks me to do maths. My mom says Maths has a way and it has wright or wrong.If I become a special child then I will not have to do Maths.

  • Purposely or by mistake

    As we were working on making the constitution for Sexual safety @ Aarohi we came up with a situation. What if somebody touches your private parts and says “Oh! I am sorry, I did not know.”One said, “I will slap that person and say become aware where your hands are going.”One said, “I will ignore…

  • I am challenging my history with history

    History was my weak point in schooling years. Through aarohi KAA (Queens and Kings), Parent workshop and Mela I am getting the opportnuity to be in my challenging zone. When history mela was announced,I wondered what to expect in the food stall of history mela. We even joked that it will be old fossilized muglai…

  • Right or wrong ?

    We talked about different words which are screamed as “bad words” – sex, babe, bloody, fuck, centre point, kissing bums…………. One group looked into the dictionary to find the meaning of these words. One group explored what else can be the replace words. One group explored what can be the need to use any word…

  • How do I know it is love or abuse?

    During the session to make constitutional rights for sexual safety we saw the video on “prevention of sexual abuse” – Some of the questions came up – How do you know the person is in love with you and kissing you for the love or to take advantage? How do you trust the person? And…

  • One spark can make fire

    Our water pump is unrepairable at the pink house. That means we are back to fetching water from the tank for all our needs. Initially some shared “oh! We have to fetch”.Two children did not say anything, they just started fetching, They not only fetch for the need of that time, but also filled extra…

  • I do for my needs

    One child got up in the morning and was disturbed with the direct sun light on her face. She decided to stitch a curtain for herself.She began with Selecting appropriate cloth for her needs – colour, length and width etc. Then, measured cloth for her needs. Cut it to the size Learnt how to stitch…

  • Discover self

    One child since his childhood has been having issue with comprehending small stories. We were briefed and informed.Yesterday he began with reading a story. He was supposed to read and then share the story in show and tell. In the session he began with reading two page story. He began with mugging the story.I asked…

  • Use body for learning

    We made shapes with our body while we were exploring “how to use body for learning”. Some made shapes with their body and others described them. One of the children shared “I did different types of things which were new for me, because I though only moving my body and playing sports is body intelligence…

  • Big family

    One of the child commented “we are like a big family” – here is why she said………

  • Use car mirror

    After youbreak your car’s side mirror what do you do with them? Simple use them to read!!!

  • Engineering of making of Chulha

    We are finally shifting to campus. And first thing we needed was “hot water” to bathe.We have perfected the art of making Chulha by doing and observing our neighbours. The weather is windy and still we are able to use chulha…………a simple input from our neighbours “dig in the ground” helped us a lot. So…

  • Dark colur

    This is not a dirty drawing or just scribbling. This is “dark colur to hide the window”.

  • Colors and sorting

    How do you learn about colours? Simple – sort all your resources in different colour bags.

  • Why no triangles?

    I was working with a child on exploring shapes – we began with hunting for shapes around us. We found rectangle but not triangles.We were wondering why we do not see simple triangles around, while we saw many other shapes.Many other kids joined in our exploration and they began hunting shapes for us :). And…

  • Emotional safety – my rights and duties

    Emotional safety is constitutional right in democracy. Last week was another session on constitution of Aarohi. We took the topic of “emotional safety”. We asked kids – “How do you feel when anyone teases you? Some of the responses which kids share I do not feel safe when people ask me questions to check my…

  • Life is learning opportunity

    After the theft incidnet at the campus, security has become part of our learning. We all have committed “one hour a week” to work on security. Every Wednesday at the campus we have “security drill”.We began the first session with “what are our needs and HOW we want to do?We all came up with our…

  • New life

    Any life is exciting. One of the child sowed moong dal seeds, today he found moong coming out of the ground, he was excited to share his entire discovery.

  • Break in walking pattern

    During one of the activities we put lot of things on the floor and bring break in our walking patterns, The idea was to know self and how we get used of certain things and think this is the reality and this is the only way to move ahead. Kids kept trays, clothes, water bowl…

  • Case

    How do we put a case on others? It was decided by the team that the stationery would be got from home. When I went into session I was not allowed to touch anything. Anything I was taking was met with you have to get it from home. Now I was a little excited and…

  • Body Awareness

    A topic quite intriguing for me. I love the fact that there is much in this topic and so little I am aware of. Few children had taken up this topic and I enjoyed watching them explore and discovering the meaning of BODY AWARENESS. From knowing my body to understanding ho different body parts respond…