When one thinks about interest/passion/ future/career…We can explore many points of view, and maybe share/ talk/discuss/explore many different points of view with our kids… it’s not about the destination alone, it’s also about the journey.
It’s not only about singing, but it can also about the music,
It’s also not only about music, it’s also about the performing arts
It’s not only about the performing arts, it’s also about the art
And it’s not only about the art, but it’s also about infinite choices…I
t’s also not only about the focus, it’s also about losing it
It’s not only about one passion, or one interest it’s also about many passions and many interests
It’s not only about one focus interest, it’s also about not having anyone interest
It’s as much as about being lost, confused, or only YOU
It’s not only about two paths – one is 10th, 12th or other is focused work on interest
It’s also about MANY PATHS, it’s about YOUR PATH
So it’s also not about following your path, its also about changing that path
It’s not about only holistic, it’s also about the popularity
It’s not only about the slow pace, or any other pace, it’s about YOUR PACE
It’s not only either OR or, its infinite
So it’s not about the A-Z vocabulary, it’s about 0-infinity