Online Gift Factory

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GIFT FACTORY –Gifting is beautiful! At Aarohi, we began with the need for gifting for our volunteers. Gift factory was born to cater to the needs. We started exploring handmade gifts, gifts which can be given to travelers (most of our volunteers are the traveler with tight spaces).The need for giving created space for us to explore making and make a connection with people.

With COVID and lockdown, the gift factory is shifted to homes, now the community creates at home and share with the various resource people and guests who are adding value to the community. All ages taking part in making of the gifts.

Lakshmi, part of the community sharing “Thanks Gift factory for the new opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives!Avani was super excited to make donuts and send them as a gift. She learned these bubble letters recently from my relative and ever since thinks in bubbles. It also gave us yet another chance to break the usual patterns of operation. Loving the journey…
