Category: drupal-import

  • Jatre on Boxing with Corrie

    Corrie sharing about her journey.Born in Philippine, lived in Canada, travelling to India since last year. She has been part of the various competition in swimming and boxing. Meeting a professional lady boxer was an event itself for most of us at the campus. Sports was an answer to not get into a destructive path.…

  • Brain and Behaviour

    A session on brain and behaviour with Prashanth from Rishi Gurukulum Pune. The first question was “what is a brain? This was enough to explore inside/ outside of the brain, nodes, neurons, connections, various parts of brain, senses and so on. To understand our behaviour we needed to understand our brain. When we were Reptilian,…

  • Jatre – Engine

    His first presentation.His attempt to throw himself in front of the audience.He worked hard to know more about engines.He worked on himself to come out of his own inhibitions ( I can’t, I don’t, mistakes means others laugh).He worked on making the presentation.He worked on composing his flow of the session. An hour session where…

  • Music with Satendra

    We do music to add value to our lives as well other’s life.Write something of your own and sing in your own voice. Lyrics give you something to connect. Why do you like music? Happy, peaceful, soothing, expression, changes mood, transformation, help to make more connections in brain, meditative, nostalgic, connection, synergy and just simple…

  • Jatre – Madhubani

    We visit exhibitions, we meet artists who have their own style, we see art in our homes, we see it in many different forms. Understanding about any art firms brings a different connection with the art form. A session on Madhubani or Mithila painting with Lakshmi brought step by step understanding about this art form.…

  • Jatre – WikiPedia

    Monday with Chandu to explore Wikipedia. What do we use Wikipedia for?Have you ever wondered who put information in those Wikipedia pages?Why is in any research the first page is Wikipedia?Who is this Mr Wikipedia?Have you tried anything besides reading articles? The birth of Wikipedia came to establish the authentic knowledge-based as much authentic as…

  • Think to Observe!

    We observe thing around us, what about observing inside us! Observing my thoughts, my feeling, my actions, my needs, my wants … just observe. No need to analyse what am I observing.

  • Wonder!

    Just pause and Wonder! Just stop and Wander! Spend five minutes on wondering and wandering on the topic/task you start with. Why there is hurry to just start and stop the work? Let’s spend some time in wondering and Wandering. I wonder If my heart was outside my body! I wonder If mud was available…

  • Basic flow of Aarohi

    Basic flow of Aarohi A typical Aarohi day starts in the morning at 6am we get up freshen up brush wash our faces and do all that stuff. After that we go for sunshine from 6:30 am till 7:30 am *sunshine is a session were we take care of our body and do fitness. In…

  • D.O.I.N.G

    Doing is an integral part of Aarohi. We learn when we do, We fail when we do. We grow when we do. We explore when we do. We get feedback when we do. We assess when we do. Doing is all around us. Doing at Aarohi comes to us in many different forms – observing…

  • Engine Jatre

    His first presentation.His attempt to throw himself in front of the audience.He worked hard to know more about engines.He worked on himself to come out of his own inhibitions ( I can’t, I don’t, mistakes means others laugh).He worked on making a presentation.He worked on composing his flow of the session. An hour session where…

  • Life of me at Aarohi

    Life of me at Aarohi Hi my name is Dhrupad and I am going to talk about my life at Aarohi and what i feel about it my different experiences and so on. My feelings about Aarohi is good like whenever I am in aarohi i have the feeling that I am welcomed there and…

  • A little Philosophy with children

    Philosophy originates from from wondering, wandering and questioning. Not from seeking answers. Its is not slave of knowledge and procedure. May be children are best philosophers.

  • Why Theatre?

    The session on understanding theatre began with a question “Why one does theatre?” Apart from being profession, joy and living our interest, theatre tells stories, live that character, and maybe carry a message. Understanding ingredients of theatre gave an understanding about what all is theatre.. body, stage/set/space, costume, make up, voice, music, lights, dialogue, props,…

  • New in New Year – 2018

    This began with a question what is “NEW”? Everone around was wishing “happy NEW year”. Well, the question was what is new? A look into dictionary gave us a new perspective on NEW- different, fresh, discovery, invention, regenerate, unfamiliar, first, fresh….this made a lot of sense to look into the new year! The year began…

  • Flying

    He likes aeroplanes. He wonders how aeroplanes fly? He also likes watching videos on “how the stuff works?”So both together became a session on “aeroplanes”. He took an hour session with the community and explained all about aeroplanes. How airlines works?How aeroplanes works?How does the engine works?What is thrust?How does turbine works?How does the aeroplane…

  • Experiencing Life

    Anyone coming to the campus and joining us for any duration is nothing but an opportunity interacting with more children/adults and creating a space of mutual learning. No plans, no activities, no classes. It’s just the same mantra – No CURRICULUM – because we believe that children can decide what they want to learn, how…

  • Making of Ambush

    It began with a little spark “let’s make a movie”. Few came together and a made script. The script was highly influenced by their love of NERF guns and the books they read and video games they play. Well, then came the decision to choose actors – audition happened, voting for the best actor happened.…

  • Musical concert

    Musical Concert at Aarohi Each one presented a small piece of music of one minute. Some practiced for 10 minutes, some knew it already. When the show began none wanted to start – “I am remembering the rhythm, I will do it next, Not now, After some time….”. 2-3 of us played the music and…

  • Jatre with Mr Narasim

    Jatre with Mr. Narasim, a session of stories, not made up stories, but real life stories. It was blessing to spend time with Mr. Narasim Katary, a young at heart 77yr old. He is a retired state judge of Canada elected by people for three consecutive terms (each term is 5years) with amazing narrative skills…

  • Our Teachers!

    Who are our teachers? How do we learn without someone teaching us? How can we learn all by ourselves?These are some of the frequently asked questions to us. Well, we have no teachers, but the entire world is our teachers. Whenever we need to learn from someone, we seek people in that field and we…

  • Story of perseverance

    Story of breaking own boundaries Story of power of visulaizationStory of tryingStory of failingStory of peresverance Standing on the board, riding the wave a rush of glory hit me. I landed smoothly on the shore and shouted out a victory yell. I looked out into the ocean and gave a huge smile to my instructor.I…

  • Knowing life around us

    Mr. Sarvanan, a certified snake rescuer shared his understanding of snakes. The topic itself has the huge number of questions. Can dry bite kill you? How do you identify the dry bite? Do they coil you when you rescue them? What all colors of a snake? Does the venom get over? Do they have unlimited…

  • Snakes

    Snakes Venomous Russell’s viper: is a nocturnal snake which means it comes out mostly in the night. It has a triangle head. It is hemotoxic to humans that means that it affects the blood flow and causes blockage. A new born Russell’s viper is 25cm long!. It’s sound is like a pressure cooker it has…

  • Law

    Law What are laws? Laws are something which help us in keeping order and justice. How long back were laws made? Laws dated back back to 2600 BC at Harappa and Mohenjo Daro dynasty, they had laws about how to build houses and drainage system. If we follow those laws now we can make India…

  • From a child view

    The campus of Aarohi was designed with constraints – material, design, people, resources, budget and many other. The aim is to create an experience rather recreating what a child would anyway experience. Here are some pictures from a child’s point of view who found fascinating usages of different material in different forms.

  • Surfing in Mulki

    Surfing – it brought both excitement as well as fear (will I be able to do it) You see we aren’t used to dancing on the waves. I too was not sure for me surfing at the age of 49. But once we reached Mulki, cleaned the beach, did out drill on the beach –…

  • Logo designing

    Logo Designing Hi PMO here and I am going to talk about logo designing. What is designing? Designing is something which gives us a scope on what to do. Designing is a thing that makes pattern and art as well. Designing is for good comfort as well. Some people do designing for money for example…

  • Safety training at Aarohi

    Safety training Hi guys PMO here as you know today’s topic is safety training. What are safety holes? Safety holes are CD’s with writings to make us alert about what we are doing. To make us attentive but they are not to make us scared or to threaten us. What comes in our minds when…

  • Getting to know CAT

    Getting to know CAT Hi PMO here today’s topic is Getting to know CAT.Competencies Abilities Talents What is CAT? Competencies, they are necessary skills I need in life, the basic skills.Abilities are the things which will help you in your life and you enjoy it. Talents and interests are what drive one in their life,…