Who are our teachers? How do we learn without someone teaching us? How can we learn all by ourselves?These are some of the frequently asked questions to us. Well, we have no teachers, but the entire world is our teachers. Whenever we need to learn from someone, we seek people in that field and we have never been short of any teachers.
An organization working with democratic schools wants our children to design a logo for their conference (IDEC) IDEC2017 happened in Israel – http://idec2017.org. the next one is happening in INDIA (Bangalore). So we thought if our children have to design a logo – they would benefit from a small session by somebody who can give them some understanding of How to design. Prasad and Shashank who are taking care of the website designing for the same organization, came forward to mentor our kids for logo designing. We began with a session on “What is design?”
Prasad and Shashank took us beyond drawing – they shared “Design caters to all our senses not only visuals. All designs are not only drawing. Designing music, perfume and food are also design. Someone “designed ice-cream cone, which you can see, smell, taste, tongue can touch and hear the bite”. Have you wondered “All of us are designers! But what makes to become a good designer?”
For us to understand the various elements of the design, they took us through an example of mug designing – We began with understanding the purpose of the mug. Every mug has a different requirement. And for each case The design will be different…each design needs a purpose and understanding of the need, purpose. Designing a mug for Astronaut will be different than designing a mug for drinking soup. They further talked about manipulation, affordance, usage, aesthetics, communication which a design tells you and ever-evolving design.
And finally, we moved on to logo design. They took us various logos and their stories – meanwhile, they gave us understanding about logo – Logos are visual metaphor and are nothing but identification and they are essentially visual in nature. Two shared about important aspect – color and form. Colour has an aspect of phycology – light, dark, warm, peace. Why food item logos are red/ orange palette, what does blue color means? Why is black powerful and White color is peaceful? Another aspect is form – Why is Cococola text is flowing while KFC is italic and Why TATA font is thick while Mercedes is metallic feeling? Their tips – Logo design – minimum colors, not used unless they are needed, simple shapes and forms, does not need decoration.
The session ended with the beginning of few is us designing Logo for IDEC 2018. Few of us started wanted to design logo and we stared with stimulation with word metaphors for the conference – India, Bangalore, school, kids, books, globe, freedom, participation, involvement, community, people, equality, understanding, unique, self guided, two sides of the coin, diversity, many, variety…and visual metaphor – dove, olive trees, fly, earth, odd numbers..the process continues…we have designed few logos and working with them to get it going.
Thanks so much again to you two – you two ignited ourtuesday!!
Imagine Aarohi where there is no teaching – because we believe that children can decide how they want to learn – on their own, with each other and from various resources, etc. We are there to guide them, where they need us.
Imagine Aarohi, a life education, where learning happens because children want to learn from their life – for their life.