His first presentation.
His attempt to throw himself in front of the audience.
He worked hard to know more about engines.
He worked on himself to come out of his own inhibitions ( I can’t, I don’t, mistakes means others laugh).
He worked on making a presentation.
He worked on composing his flow of the session.
An hour session where he shared about parts of the engine, about the engine, pistons, cylinders, fuel, four-stroke process, gear system, differential and so on. He shared about petrol and diesel, to explain to us, he needed to understand himself about properties of petrol and diesel. Some he understood, some he could not answer.
He used vocabulary in his presentation – propeller shaft, combustion, torque…and so on. Some he understood, some he shared ” I also didn’t understand”.
Exploring an old bus engine became so natural part of the session – we went down, up, in and out of the bus to see all those partshe covered in his presentation.
He began with a question “Why do we need an engine in any car?”