Category: Blogs

  • Solving Problem

    Aarohi children were to stay in a dormitory at Nagarhole on an outstation trip. Ths issue was that some children while sleeping may fall out of their beds. The video shows how the three captains (in-charge) of stay arrangements solved the problem in a jiffy! Watch Video

  • Making of Kitchen

    Story of making of Kitchen at Aarohi – Each video tells you the story of “making of kitchen” at Aarohi, O-campus. It began with planning, asking for funds, Training people and learning language, Learning basics of Construction – like foundation, laying of earth bags, roof design, understanding material and…FAILING!!! Changing goal And creating more learning…

  • One Response

    I sent a mail “can you share some of inspirational songs?”I got reply “You will have define inspirational a little more – inspiration could be for society, for nation, for others (friends), for self, for living life, etc”. Never thought that a simple word like “inspiration” can have different meaning for different people and for…

  • Bird language

    How do some people identify calls of birds? During one of the morning bird watching we only were chasing “sounds” – yes sound can be one resource to identify. Bird do have language, they have different calls, they can mimic other sounds – yes they do have a world of their own – to enter…

  • Story of Salim Ali

    Storytelling is an art and often it starts with one event and one can build on that. We found a dead bird on our way to bird watching and that triggered a sharing of story of Salim Ali. Watch video for the story

  • Dead Bird

    One can throw or look at a dead bird and discard for the “yuckyness” – we found a dead bird during a trip to bird watching and our learning journey began – what a wonderful resource in a dead bird Learning about Birds body parts Identifying Using different methods to identify – size, colour, texture….…

  • Bird watching

    We travelled 0.5 kilometer(s), and found 17 species :). The day was filled with watching birds, discussing about them during lunch and breakfast, listening to stories and making plans for our next trip :). Chandu joined us at campus for bird watching. Every wednesday RABBI club (reptiles, Birds, Butterflies and Insect club) goes for morning…

  • Own Fire Extinguisher

    Demo of fire extinguisher at Aarohi.

  • Learning Hindi

    Learning Hindi A group of kids got together to learn Hindi – They made their own rules, they created own learning. Each learnt diffrent and differently. Watch detailed video – 19 minutes Or small video – 3 minutes

  • Experiencing Forest

    Visit to Nagarhole – a forest. Experience the forest in its purest form by being in the forest. Experience the forest in the morning, in the noon, in the night with ALL the senses – feel it, smell it, listen to it, taste it and just BE WITH IT. Soak in the forest, No showing,…

  • What is field visit

    KAA is not field visit at Aarohi – it is part of the curriculum.We believe thatlearning is from life and for life.Since learning has to be FOR life, learning should be FROM life. Learning that is driven primarily from real experiences and learning that celebrates and harnesses a child innate and voracious ability to learn.…

  • Flies and Learning

    Our kitchen has 100’s of visitors – tiny little flies. hmm trying many different things to shoo them away from our kitchen so we can eat in peace. Last week two kids made paste of eucalyptus in mixie and the moppedthe floor with the “eucalyptus water”. And at the end they “washed” the mixie.Flies are…

  • Debate and Expression

    Debate is one way of expression at Aarohi – Recently we debated on “10th exams are important?” One child shared “in the middle of the debate I was doubting my own decisions, but as I debated, I got clarity of my own thoughts”. Introduced “debate” in session through different activities –

  • Life in Hydra

    Life in Hydra – Living and learning together – Watch video

  • Trying

    A child trying to figure out how to connect charger to laptop.

  • Meal Time

    Meal time is time to be together. We choose, we select we eat. Watch video

  • Dance Music and Language

    Sunshine is the time when group comes together – sing and dance. Sing in different languages, Dance and play instrument – dance alone and with peers. Watch vidoes Sometimes we also discuss the lyrics, its menaing – different lanague, different fun.

  • Clean up and Dance

    Campus care with music – we all contribute at campus to take care of the campus. We all find different ways to make it fun and interesting for us at Aarohi. Spring clean up at campus also brings a loads of fun to take our beds down, dust them, estimating the weight of the beds,…

  • Recommending

    Often we play and play with previously known set rules. One way to develop the creativity is to go beyond what is obvious – obviously:).One child took few resources and recommended various usage of that resource beyond what it used for and recommended to others in the group. Another chidl shared different books on “visuals”.…

  • Banjara Academy

    Banjara Academy agreed to our visit to their RT Nagar Branch. We began our visit with the Principal of Banjara Gurukul welcomging us and taking us through the origin of Banjara Academy, how the name of Banjara Hills lead to the name of this organisation. She spoke about the founder, his work, what all happens…

  • How I learn

    I asked few kids “how do you learn?” This what they shared Child 1 – By doing, asking people (while chit chatting), failing, talking (describing), experimenting, thinking, visualizing, observing, reading books, researching from internet, let go and visiting places. Child 2 – By practicing, watching videos, talking (describing), books, internet, doing, teaching others, visiting places…

  • Our beats

    Exploring own beats, than jamming with other child. Watch two videos below

  • Number Line

    She wanted to make her own number line. Another child joined and they worked together – work video.

  • Reflecting and Learning

    Some snippets from our reflection When we were harvesting groundnut at farm, I was feeling that I won’t be able to finish so much in a day and I started, in the middle I felt that it is going happen so negative image cleared and positive image came, it helped to work and finish the…

  • From Session

    The week was full of action It began with understanding what is “body coordination”. It is so much to do with our life and so less understood. Precision is a simple tool to explore but not much understood or practiced :).During the week we visited nearby farm to take part in groundnut harvesting. It was…

  • Precision

    We drew a rectangle of 10.1 X 2.6 cm and found the center point – we all had a different center point 🙁 – We again drew and this time we worked on precision…. lines were straight, pencil was sharpened, posture was different, surface to draw was firm, we used geometrical instruments…the result was different.Some…

  • Listen to my Drawing

    After stimulation children were gathering their thoughts in form of drawing on the floor. The coverage of thoughts and topics caught my attention. Observe them doing so:

  • Rocket Launching @ Aarohi

    Rocket launching was a great attraction and fun in space week. Let’s see Rajesh with children launching rocket in Aarohi:

  • Eggstronaut Project

    As a part of space week we had a project called EGGSTRONAUT. It was a different project in which children were supposed to design a parachute for an EGG. Egg was our astronaut and we have to save him. The parachute design should such that the egg will land from terrace without breaking. To make…

  • Let’s see how it works?

    How thing works is one of the major curiosity of children. With that curiosity they have their own imagination and explanations of it. One child in session kept asking different questions related to working of different machines. One day provided make and break kit. He found old remote of a remote control car and telephone…