Banjara Academy agreed to our visit to their RT Nagar Branch. We began our visit with the Principal of Banjara Gurukul welcomging us and taking us through the origin of Banjara Academy, how the name of Banjara Hills lead to the name of this organisation. She spoke about the founder, his work, what all happens in this organisation etc. Then we participated in the small dance activity of ‘open the tap-change the bulb-crush a cigarette’ We were then joined by the founder of Banjara Academy-Dr. Khwaja. He asked the children a couple of puzzles – everybody tried to solve the puzzles. He parted with an advice for all of us – to listen carefully to what others are saying-and then think. We also made our own visiting cards- we put up what we would like to become when we grow up. The principal shared that this way we all have experienced one activity on professional counselling.
We then went into the building and got to know how the counselling course sessions happen, how the office of the Academy works, how people work inside cabins, what is a reception etc.
As much as we were curious to know about the place, our hosts were equally curious to know about Aarohi, how we work, how does mixed age group help in learning, what is the admission process etc. Everybody enjoyed the visit to an interesting place which is famous in Bangalore