Category: Blogs

  • Let’s Enjoy Dance

    Are we preparing for performance? Are we preparing to present? Do we have some choreographer? Are we fearful: what if I miss the step? Observe these girls dancing for fun, dancing for self, dancing to enjoy and not to perform, dancing from within not mucking the steps, self-generated steps in my own style. Dance for…

  • you listen:)

    One is in love with numbers and other wants to learn. How child teaches child let’s see in this video:

  • A week – Looking into self

    It was a challenging week for me as I was taking self-Image/self-concept objective for the first time. I was prepared as well as nervous. We started exploring self through different activities. I also took part in each activity as a participant. I enjoyed seeing self by others eyes. We gave and took feedback from each…

  • Our Definitions

    I was travelling with kids to a farm for harvesting groundnuts. I was with seven kids of age 9 to 16yrs. Kids were putting downmaking funshowing offsharinglaughingmaking fun of each other At the same time, they were not staying with one action. If they were putting down someone, second moment laughing with the same child….But…

  • Fitness

    This week we looked in our food and nutrition- we are experimenting with soups and different menu to accommodate raw food and more fruits.We also explore flexibility – we tested our flexibility.Praveen, one of Aarohi parent joined to share about fitness and exercise – we had fun dancing and exercising and also knowing about fitness,…

  • Solar

    Rajaram joined us to install solar lights in one of the unit (we call it Venus). Before installing he shared about the fixture.

  • My Language

    My first step in making of my own spellings – for you it may be just some random alphabets, for me they are composition of different letters making names of my family members – watch video to know what they are.

  • My conscious

    One child was cleaning all the dustbins as part of campus care – he was sorting and discovered all different kinds of things from paper to hairs. He announced “think before you throw in the plastic dustbin, if the plastic is sticky with chocolate wash and then throw”. It feels yuck to sort all this…

  • Groundnut Harvesting

    Visited nearby farm to take part in groundnut harvesting. It was all about WORK. We started with a huge pile of groundnut to pluck – it looked big and unachievable job for the day, as the day passed we could not only finish before lunch but also we took break from work to climb trees,…

  • Visit to Gandhi Bhavan

    After many changed decisions, we finally zeroed in on Gandhi Bhavan as the outdoor location for 14th Nov outdoor. It also happened to be Children’s Day. The authorities in Gandhi Bhavan gave us full attention – with a administrator waiting for us at the entrance, to rejuvenating Badam Milk and biscuits – we were given…

  • Trip to Waynad – Lab

    Learning about soil by being with soil at Waynad. The trip to Waynad was to understand soil. I was part of the group as a learner. I learnt by being with people who are working with soilI learnt by exploring soil in many different waysI learnt by experimenting with soilI learnt when I was with…

  • Playing Drums

    If you know – you teach me. Anyone can teach us – we learn from all. One child lerant playing drums by observing other people in village, He shared his skills with others – I tried learning from him, a long way to go to get this skill…trying.

  • Elephants and Learning

    Visit to nearby village to understand elephants behaviour, their path and effects on villagers. Apart from tracing elephants path, foot print and identifying elephant potty we also explored stones on our way – we could not stop ourselves from collecting various rock/stone samples on our way and also watching a water pond to watch fishes.…

  • Trip to Waynad – People

    Trip to Waynad was not complete without meeting people and learning from them. Learning from a scientist at M S Swaminathan Research foundation was enriching. Listening to scientist on the work they do and how they do was an unique learning experience for all of us. Why does one research?What to research?How to research?What is…

  • Trip to Waynad – Explore

    Trip to Waynad to explore soil – exploring it many different ways Sometimes it was just playSometimes it was exploring different toolsSometimes it was visiting different places like butterfly garden, medicinal plants nursery or seeing just display of seeds and samplesSometimes it was exploring soil in different places like forestSometimes it was just wondering –…

  • Trip to Waynad – Fun

    Trip to Waynad to explore soil had fun in various form in our way It was fun to climb rocksIt was fun to sip tea with friendsIt was fun to climb treesIt was fun to make own tools and do stick fightingIt was fun walk in the forestIt was fun to ride in jeepIt was…

  • The Past – Movie review

    The Past (French: Le Passé) is a 2013 French–Italian–Iranian movie. The movie is about divorce and relationship, but has parenting lesson in it. The movie deal with how we’re all constrained by our own perspectives on our lives: It is about responsibility – the taking of it, the lack of it, the search for it,…

  • Enough Said – Movie review

    Enough Said, (a 2013 Americanfilm written and directed by Nicole Holofcener) is a romantic movie with parenting lessons in it :). The movie is not about parenting, but one can draw parenting lessons from it. Two people falling in love, the relationship finds turbulence when one of the partner starts doubting other partner based on…

  • How fish swim?

    How fish swim? Is it that every action has a reaction or it is because of the mass or it is that fish just knows how to swim? Explore science in our day to day life – feel it, explore it and live it. We were debating how fish swim? We know fish breathes in…

  • Sound and Understanding

    It began with playing songs on Piano. Then it was time to find out “what is sound? Peer reading and then learning together. Discovering not only how sound is made but also how elephants were used to create sound – Elephant tail, tusk, and body as musical instruments – have you heard about it?

  • Learning about learning

    Peer to peer learning – one is teaching while other is learning. In the process both are learning. Replace you in the video in place of teaching child – what difference you would like to make? We played this video in our training. We were wondering What role a facilitator needs to play? What and…

  • Welcome did not surprise

    Often welcome surprises me – we keep the material with certain thoughts and the exploration surprises us. This week it was no surprise – the welcome was some old watches as part of make and break. They not only tried opening old watches to look inside but also read about various things how do they…

  • Plastic collection

    Some shared the concern about plastic thrown in the ground – next day our morning walk was converted in plastic collection drive with all of us together and singing “plastic where are you, we have come to pick you up”.

  • Eat and read together

    Today we were served pineapple in our fruity with a reading on “pineapples” – next to cut pineapple, kitchen leaders kept a book which talked about “pineapples” where are they found, how to store them and what are they…During dinner we were read “where does the rice comes from and different forms of rice –…

  • Play with worms

    Some of the kids who set their goal as ‘play’ spotted some worms under a rock. They got busy in observing the movement of the worms and debating to identify them. “How many legs?, what do they eat?, are they babies? …the exploration continued. One of them got the idea to make home for them…

  • Inside the car

    I drive car – I know how to start and where to fill petrol and also what is puncture and how to get it repaired – beyond this i have no learning connection with car – I wondered why not! This week we explored what is inside the car. We opened the bonnet and looked…

  • Scientific knowledge

    Week began with “scientific knowledge” – why it is important to know? We read a little about soil, mist, plants, carbohydrates and explored how this knowledge is helping us? Well, some could find connection, some could not, some were wondering, some were helping others to find value out of what we read. Through out the…

  • Newton’s laws

    Newton said three simple laws Things wants to stay the way they are Force and acceleration are proportional Every action has a reaction Just wondering such a simple realization was translated in mathematical formula of F = ma. We all can see the things do not move by themselves, they stay where they are unless…

  • How it works

    Wonder how does phone and remote control car works. A chidl exploring and sharing what does he thinks about how things works.

  • Parachute Design

    One of the design of parachute – we tested all p[arachutes with an egg in it.