Category: drupal-import

  • Accident and Objective

    We were searching for cornflakes in Kelmangala………..while coming back we met with an accident, not much happened but the entire street was on the street, broke side mirror of the car. I did not want compensation, I did not want to take him to the police station, but I did not want to get scare…

  • Few blogs to smile (during KAA trip to forest)

    One child said “you try, its okay to fail”. One child came screaming “I saw a baby crocodile”Another came out – “It’s a big crocodile”Another came out “its biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig crocodile.Ratnesh came out with a smile “I was waiting for this, it’s a monitor lizard”.Now you know how rumours are formed 🙂 Kids were sharing “I…

  • Need will drive

    I have been working with a child on his reading and writing. Today in group contact point I shared with all the children, I do not know If I am interfering with his learning and putting my agenda, I do not if I should worry about this child,………………. Children told me –“You bring in new…

  • my shoulds

    I have been working with a child for his reading and writing skills. I do not have any formal research on phonemic or any literacy programs. But what I know is “word intelligence means LOVE for literacy and exploration in various ways. Today I sat to do my research and then I decided to NOT…

  • You are too serious

    One child have been expressing during meal timings You should make this You should mix all rice nicely in lemon rice I do not like this She was invited to be part of Menu making. One day expressed “Aunty you should buy small plates”. I asked her “next time when we are buying cutlery –…

  • You need to observe

    During daily SAB (self assessmnet) One of the child asked – One strength today I exhibited?Peer – IrritationChild – I asked for strengthPeer – IrritationChild – You have to observe strength, this was not my strengthPeer – Help others even you were irritatedChild – One thing I need to improvePeer – IrritationChild – How can…

  • My contact point

    During contact point – we were sharing our observation about each other. One child shared about me You are responsible You express your needs clearly If kids do not want do some work – you understand and you are fine. You control anger, think and then express your needs You think You plan, you share…

  • Want to change the goal

    Good news – Two kids in project wanted to change the goal 🙂 They have been roaming around, just spending time here and there, trying to understand what they want to do and today they said its so bring I want to change the goal. Kitchen project is more exciting – we want to do…

  • High Thinking Zone

    When I am in Aarohi with kids – I am constantly thinking, I am being asked questions by kids, I questing my own thinking, we as a group is constantly thinking …………………it is HIGH THINKING zone. When I reach home Rat is excited to know what is happening – I answer in one or two…

  • Exposure

    At O – campus we trying to bring all types of exposures. Which includes…… Click to see photo.

  • Listening

    Contact PointFaculty: what was your last week objectiveChild: listeningFaculty:How did you work on itChild: i didn’t work because i was not feeling well and i didn’t come to GK.Peer: You could have worked at home alsoChild:No,Others at home were instructed not to talk to me

  • Order Order

    Today in Open house, there was a case of doing cootie coo to another child. Twochildrenwerethe defendants. The case was read out by the plaintiff. On hearing the names who were not involved suggested some solutions. One of them immediately reacted I have not done, another one waslaughingso cute nocootiecoo is. We had the plaintiff…

  • Did we miss an opportunity ?

    Show and tell was on advertisement of nature healing “programme”. I knew I was not taking what is written in calendar.I presented the advertisement on “product”I was waiting for ant child to object – but we all were confused “:programme or product”. Last time two kids got object instead of picture of festival – and…

  • I can do it

    One 2 yr old took his favourite pillow and lay down in bed,Another 4yr old snatched his pillow,2 yr old went and bashed him, snatched his pillow back and again lay down, 4yr old got another pillow and started beating 2 yr,2yr did not react at all for long time,4 yr old, kept the pillow…

  • my need

    Astha was packing her luggage for O-Campus on Sunday. She came out of her room with big smile on her face. She said:” I am checking my needs.” Usually she takes onebig bag with her. This time she could manage her luggage in considerably small shoulder bag. She explained to me today before packing I…

  • I can decide

    We had live station after the workshop on “designing kitchen and dining area with the architecture student who came to O-campus”. One said “I want to come, but I am feeling shy with strangers”.One said “I want to come, but I also want to play sports, so not coming”. Hmmmmmmm they can think and take…

  • its my learning

    We were expressing what does destination does to me? (self assessment at the end of each session on HOW i did?) One said “it pumps the air in me and I become bigger with learning. One said it is like a self chatter box for – I see back and talk to myself HOW I…

  • Many ways I think

    We have been exploring “what does Journey means to me?” Journey is the process, child document at the beginning if every session to decide, the goal, how to d etc. Today we were doing reflection of what journey does to me – we did a visualization of process so feting of ice-cream. At the end…

  • At o-campus

    At O – Campus children are fighting, praising, pampering, critisizing, pushing, scolding, helping, ENJOYING. Each element is coming. I am enjoying my journey as a facilitator.

  • push

    One child was not interested in writing destination. I said: “I am available for help”. I clarified: “option of not writing destination is not available”. With resistance she started writing. I started interacting with her and insisted to understand the question, think and then answer. As we moved ahead she started asking questions. At the…

  • Papa in US will see?

    I was making notes of my workshop “sex education”.One child asked why parents need this workshop?Another said “so they know what to tell to their kids”. They continued…“It is not so much in India, but in US it is too much…..I have seen in movies, they kiss anywhere, anytime, In india also it is coming,…

  • Funny First aid leader

    We have very funny and enlightening first aid leader at O-campus. She is 7yrs old. One child got hurt, she looked at the hurt and declared “this is too small a hurt, go by youself and put the baindaid”. The child wanted sympathy, she refused to give. She did not panic when a child fell…

  • better or worsen

    We were doing destination. I was discussing one question with a child “When others were not like me I accepted others”. One child shared “I used to think I am better than them, they are worsen than me. But today I told myself, however you are you are better. Noone is better or worsen”.

  • project and workshop

    We were exploring the contents of culture workshop. We were sharing our thoughts on Architecture. One child said “I can take Architecture; this will also help me to explore structure of my Café in project”.

  • Kareena

    One child was constantly talking about trains, I told him “I can no more listen about train” After some time he came to me and said “I will not talk to you about train, I will tell you about Kareena”. This led to gossip about Kareena during snacks time – her love affair with Saif,…

  • Found O-campus

    Our search for O-campus continued during morning walk. Today we climbed bigger and rocky mountains (as kids described). Three kids were leading the walk, I was 99% sure, it is not the path. But as per my religion and oath I followed the leaders. And WE FOUND our land – we could see from the…

  • Weight and Wait

    While writing about what sports does to us onechildwanted spelling of weight. I assumed wait and I wrote wait. She said not this wait theotherweight and with actions showed me what she wanted.On interaction on how she knew that Wait was not what she wanted – she responded I know the spelling of this WAIT.…

  • On and Off

    During discussion of why and what of sports one child spoke about being healthy. He started talking about heart and blood etc and another child was not listening soimmediatelyhe said I will take your heart switch it off and after Ifinishtalking I will switch it on. Thistriggeredan entire discussion on how the heart functions and…

  • Contact point of faculty

    Today at Aarohi we all together did “contact point for faculty”. We made groups of twp and did the same process we do for kids………….And I realize this was purely “self assessment” for me “how I am working?”. Looking forward to my reflection during contact point with faculty Looking forward to my journey with kids…

  • Checklist

    We were making checklist at O-campus – we realized If we make and give to kids then how are kids going get involve – this becomes more of a rule and without understanding the kids ask “can I bring this, can I do this?…..”. Well, we diced to also make three kinds of checklist Me…