Category: drupal-import

  • Language through Music

    Exploring language through music during language week. Home learners Anupama and Nihar joined with their linguistic energy and shared songs in Marathi, Kannada, Sanskrit and Kucth language. Leela, one of the Aarohi parent joined to share Tamil rhymes and one rhyme on elephant was just appropriate for the surrounding. Meenakshi and Madhav from Puvidham were…

  • Teenagers

    Teeagers, often are misunderstood. They are not careless, they are not irresponsible, they are not rowdy … they are THEY. All they need is SPACE to glow and grow. They need acceptance for what they are. Interaction with teenagers at winter camp at Aarohi was fun. They listensd but they asked questions and they needed…

  • Car Design

    The child learns to design the car using different steps like measuring resources, to use colours using visuals and car models.

  • Visual art

    We believe each individualis a wonderful story and our children can be benefited by getting exposedto that story. With Amit, Children learning Visual arts design and hand arts.

  • Language through Stories

    During language week, as we explored different languages ranging from Kutch to Swahili. It allowed us to look at language as a medium to understand other people and their culture. We explored language in various form – we used dance, drama, music, stories, movies, people, debate and art to understand language. Language through Stories We…

  • Outdoor- St. Patrick Church:

    I really love the concept of outdoors. It brings lot of learning opportunities with fun. It also brings a big opportunity for me to understand children. Yesterday we went to a church by metro. It was different as we decided to go by metro. We all (including me) were ready to take the challenge. We…

  • Soil Experiments

    We were doing soil experiments and trying to understand soil. One child came up with his own experiment of testing of soil and he drew conclusion based on his experiment. Let’s see what he wants to share with us.

  • Plastic Segregation

    At campus we try to minimize the usage of plastic – all grocery bought in bags/boxes. We do not accept any plastic bags. Buy local rusk, snacks. Still we do generate some plastic waste specially from biscuit packets, chips packets etc. By turn we sort plastic. One child who was separating plastic suggested, “Wash your…

  • Learning to Read

    He has invented his own way of reading. When he reads, he read letters of each unknown word, ask for meaning and pronunciation. he then writes, and reads the same lines and then reads more… This week we also introduced him to finding meaning of the same word in Tamil and then also making story…

  • Photography

    Photography is word I associated with “technical details of light, aperture speed, lens etc” OR just click – what’s the big deal about it!!! OR the expensive equipment with big lenses and sophisticated cameras to click professional pictures. Well, we introduced photography to kids to “play around with” like a child play with paints before…

  • Open Your Chakra

    Thursday’s thought clubs are for “half done stories” – we read stories and just before the end stop! and predict the ending – its fun. One of the Thursdays we saw this video. we paused after explanation of first chakra. Kids predicted next Chakras as – greed, letting go, guilt, shame, jealousy, lie, bad behaviour,…

  • Good Opinion

    Some of us, in some corner of our heart, some desire to see our kids famous, happy and successful… To fulfill our desire we also carefully expose our kids to many such people, create opportunities to get exposed to such skills beyond schooling. One of the thing we miss is to understand what makes these…

  • Film club – book review

    The title says “watch 3 movies…no homework, no school”. Well, it sounds as simple as homeschooling – not send child to school, no packing lunch bags, no chasing timetable or grades…as you read the book one can relate with every moment as homeschooler – like homeschooling the novel too bring experiences when one is doubtful,…

  • Special day

    B’days bring opportunity to think SPECIAL about the B’day child. Another b’day , another celebration – but this time in different style. Kitchen team cooked food of his choice, Another collected 10 different kinds of flower from the campus and made bouquet for 10 yr old boy. Resource team made a “disco light” with LED…

  • Inventor for a day

    “Become Galileo for a day and imagine how he would have discovered the moons of Jupiter? or how he made telescope?”. One of the days – I was a KTM bike, while one child was Columbus, another was Leonardo, Abraham lincoln, Narendra Modi, Leonardo da vinchi, Mozart, etcEveryday, we all came up with some stories…

  • Goal

    GOAL was the word this week or rather “specific goal” was the key of the week. Some kids set their goal like “making of monkey bar”. The goal had “product” inbuilt in it and that became the reason to work. Some wanted to work on different aspects of material, strength, different ways of using and…

  • Visualize

    When we did the stimulation activities for the objective of Visualization, it gave vent to our imagination, an opportunity to see in different perspectives and then to apply our visualization to create from our own ideas. The visual of half done pictures were observed…following day, when the pictures were completed by a child, children observed…

  • Tale of a Tall Tale

    It was full attendence..all kids ready for a story… Children heard a Tall Tale – it was having vivid description of color, texture, feel, fragrance, foul smell, film personality ( Amitabh Bachchan, mumbai travel, height, color, conversations, time schedule….it was full of details. Children travelled with the story and then were stopped abruptly. Faculty called…

  • Solving Problem

    Watch this video for patience kids had, perseverance they showed, tried different things, looked for solution, listened to different ideas and at the end celebrated their success! Also, an opportunity to introduce the concept of “exchange” and “Replace”. Watch the 11 min video to learn about kids and also learn from them.

  • My passion – Gerry

    Gerry opted out of regular schooling – since he wanted to purse his passions – SNAKES and everything else that you will call Nature. Now a renowned Naturalist and Herpetologist – he is envied by many. Shows how open education can deliver. Gerry you inspire us ! To know more about Gerry – Watch…

  • Solving Problem

    Aarohi children were to stay in a dormitory at Nagarhole on an outstation trip. Ths issue was that some children while sleeping may fall out of their beds. The video shows how the three captains (in-charge) of stay arrangements solved the problem in a jiffy! Watch Video

  • Making of Kitchen

    Story of making of Kitchen at Aarohi – Each video tells you the story of “making of kitchen” at Aarohi, O-campus. It began with planning, asking for funds, Training people and learning language, Learning basics of Construction – like foundation, laying of earth bags, roof design, understanding material and…FAILING!!! Changing goal And creating more learning…

  • Flies and Learning

    Our kitchen has 100’s of visitors – tiny little flies. hmm trying many different things to shoo them away from our kitchen so we can eat in peace. Last week two kids made paste of eucalyptus in mixie and the moppedthe floor with the “eucalyptus water”. And at the end they “washed” the mixie.Flies are…

  • Debate and Expression

    Debate is one way of expression at Aarohi – Recently we debated on “10th exams are important?” One child shared “in the middle of the debate I was doubting my own decisions, but as I debated, I got clarity of my own thoughts”. Introduced “debate” in session through different activities –

  • Life in Hydra

    Life in Hydra – Living and learning together – Watch video

  • Trying

    A child trying to figure out how to connect charger to laptop.

  • Meal Time

    Meal time is time to be together. We choose, we select we eat. Watch video

  • Dance Music and Language

    Sunshine is the time when group comes together – sing and dance. Sing in different languages, Dance and play instrument – dance alone and with peers. Watch vidoes Sometimes we also discuss the lyrics, its menaing – different lanague, different fun.

  • Clean up and Dance

    Campus care with music – we all contribute at campus to take care of the campus. We all find different ways to make it fun and interesting for us at Aarohi. Spring clean up at campus also brings a loads of fun to take our beds down, dust them, estimating the weight of the beds,…

  • One Response

    I sent a mail “can you share some of inspirational songs?”I got reply “You will have define inspirational a little more – inspiration could be for society, for nation, for others (friends), for self, for living life, etc”. Never thought that a simple word like “inspiration” can have different meaning for different people and for…