I really love the concept of outdoors. It brings lot of learning opportunities with fun. It also brings a big opportunity for me to understand children.
Yesterday we went to a church by metro. It was different as we decided to go by metro. We all (including me) were ready to take the challenge.
We walked down till Swami Vivekananda metro station from GK and from M.G road metro station to brigade road church. While walking on road two children took responsibility to lead – the way as well as safety. It was comforting to see them walking with responsibility and ownership of their safety. Church was suggested by a child. He led the outdoor in his own way. He prepared all of us for church. He was guiding us inside the church. He clarified our doubts and answered our questions. We attended one prayer. Father gave us blessings and chocolates. We were very happy to have chocolates.
One thing which stayed with me is children’s adaptability to different environments. You can observe photos where you can see them walking with responsibility on crowded roads, having fun and becoming noisy in metro train and totally silent and observant in church. Watch the video to listen to the silenceJ. Outdoor brings a big opportunity for me to understand children.