Category: Blogs

  • Revere the Reverence

    REVERENCE means “deep respect for someone or something. This week was about looking at our life from the REVERENCE window. – Reverence for resources, opportunity, time, people, own body, skills, relationships, spaces, etc – whatever we have received. What all will I revere today – how about living every day as a gift, how we…

  • Joy of My job

    One announcement “going to buy monthly grocery to the Kelmanagalm market, anyone interested can join”.She joined, it was not just going to the market for shopping but also included pre-preparation for the market – making list, preparing boxes, collecting bags, and taking money. After the trip, she also took part in organizingSeeing her interest, she…

  • Learning to Draw

    She wanted to learn how to DRAW. She felt that she does not have the skills, gets stuck when she wants to draw, does not know…hence not drawing. Well, first we recorded her thoughts. Then she went around and asked, “any ideas how to draw?” Here are the ideas she collected on “how to learn…

  • Understand Fire

    We needed cooking fire to cook for a larger group Bigger LPG gas stove was one choice but there are other choices too We decided to explore other choices And that became a reason o understand fire We made new chulha – now we needed to test fire it (does it work?) Well, that brought…

  • Learning Mela – A concept to share

    Learning mela – a concept so simple to experience learning – At one place, on the same day, people gathering: Children, young adults, parents, senior citizens … all with different gifts, coming together to create the magic of co-learning. Learning Mela, where anyone can teach, anyone can learn … A day to experience the joy…

  • Active We – Working together

    Gift of Rain, Gift of Hill behind Campus, Gift of Seeds and Sowing, Gift of Experiencing Togetherness,

  • Visit to Police Station

    Experiencing a visit to Police station to understand self and the systems around us. Expressions and Emotions after the visit:Fear of police station, Police baton, prison, feeling of being in the police station, Experience of being locked in jail? Scary Handprints in Prison? Excitement? Feeling satisfied that I have visited jail also IInterviewing Sub Inspector…

  • A desire – Football Match

    On Monday, He said, “let’s play a friendly match with Model school kids”. His first struggle to go and talk to the principal of the school – first he turned to the more comfortable option “Facilitator can talk”, when denied this option, he took the help of another peer. When they made the first trip…

  • Planning Mela

    PLANNING MELA – It’s simple – Each child set up their planning stall, shared term planning with others in the community, others added value in their planning by listening and questioning, we got to learn from each other. Imagine, Aarohi an Open Learning Community where Open also means Aarohi is open to all kinds of…

  • Are we Gendered?

    You are a boy, You are a girl. Girl talks to boy OH MY GOD! The pairing of opposite genders happens in the community? Gossip about a boy talking to a girl happens? We have gender images (pink and blue, soft and hard, emotional and logical) – Are these a part of the community? Do…

  • Scientific Thinking

    Scientific thinking is not about science, It’s about asking a question to think, but not to get answers. To come up with their own theories, conjectures, hypotheses, etc. To be not afraid that these be proved wrong, rather the whole idea is to come up with multiple theories and see which all are not suitable.…

  • Leaf Walk

    What was this session? We started walking within the campus and began with a question – Why some grass/ plants grow where other plants can’t survive? And then just went for a walk with Rawjeev, during the walk we heard, saw, spoke, touched and tasted…Microclimate, pioneers plants, seeds sticking, succession, herbs, mulch, manure, germinate, shrubs,…

  • Silent Walk

    Silent walk Blind walk Through the mud On the stones Over the grass Beside thorns Silent walk Blind walk Nothing to see mud to feel Stones to feel Grass to feel Silent walk Blind walk Nothing to say Mud to say Stones to say Grass to say Silent walk Blind walk So much to feel,…

  • Tinga Tinga Tales

    Some of us like to be artistic Some of us like to watch the animation Some of us like stories, fables, and tales Some of us like cultures This is what some of us watched and found Fun, Colors, Patterns and Culture – all in one place!

  • Resources

    She put in her contribution bucket – making of bookmarks But how to make them? What to make? She put in her contribution bucket – make greeting cards But how to make them? What to make? A shelf full of books on art came handy to one While a shelf full of discarded material came…

  • Land and Hands

    A day with seeding for afforestation along the hillside It rained The land needed hands WE planted seeds of Pongamia (in active WE, a special on Friday mornings) The same tree which gives shade to us in our Orion courtyard More trees – more shade -more green – less fire – more rain – more…

  • Planning Tool – Five Buckets

  • Music Teacher

    We get teachers at Campus in many forms – different ages She brought her charm of music along with her Many learned from her, there was a queue to learn from her – eagerness to touch that key of the keyboard with her to experience the joy of playing a musical instrument! Few got introduced…

  • Planning Mela

  • Maths in Day to Day life

    Maths is over the place – it’s all around us. A session with Mani, a guest at the campus, he is an engineer – he was our teacher today to explore maths with us. What all businesses require maths study – If you study a lot of maths – what kind of jobs can utilize…

  • Fruit Trees

    Rain brought an opportunity to fulfill another dream of planting Fruit Trees at the campus. Few parents came forward and generously donated the money for fruit trees. Few kids came forward to compile the list of trees, go and buy them and finally plant them – all done in two days! 50 Fruit trees planted…

  • Creation and Action

    Some seeds, some colors some design and that was all about this creation Every creation brings an opportunity to think, do, plan, take feedback, use different senses, peer interaction, self-realization…and that is all part of the curriculum at Aarohi, hence it does not matter what the topic the child choose – what matters is that…

  • Story of Reading

    Is it boredom?Is it hard?Or it is just like that?Weather at the campus is ever-changing – sometimes we change it, sometimes it happens on its own.

  • Love

    Our image of love, teenage and romantic relationships is heavily loaded by external influences. Media, movies, songs, advertisements, society, parents and friends all play a role in shaping our understanding of relationships. This break week spends time with kids to explore love and relationships beyond girl and boy. If a girl and boy work together…

  • Skit Adventure

    They made a skit One actor quit They gave up Pushed and persisted Skit changed Editor changed Skit changed again Situation changed Skit changed again And Finally PERFORMED

  • Learning Mela to Share

    He knows crochet, I can learn from you You know about the ocean, I can learn from you I know wave board, you can learn from me She knows wire decoration, we all can learn from her He knows the business, sharing his learning with others I know to doodle, I can teach you the…

  • Reflection to Think!

    Reflecting in a group, exchanging to each other through drawing. How would like when you are 90 years old – what one quality will you have then also? What one possession will you have even then? What would you like all people to be then? One thing you would have achieved by then? One thing…

  • Tree Labeling

    It was about tree labeling – identifying trees and label them using old slippers and that’s all We selected the tree to identify Observed the leaves Matched them in the reference book Further observed the tree and its characteristics When satisfied, painted the names on the old slippers And that’s all about learning exchange with…

  • Theory of Music

    Theory of music, a session conducted by a child was all about learning exchange – it began with What is music? A language or rhythm or to express or sound organized in time. Ever wondered Why does one need theory? Few words we heard – Notes, Octave, Base, C, D, E, F, G, treble clef,…

  • Learning Exchange

    Learning opportunities are in abundance. One can actively look for what one can learn from different people – And we came up with a long list of what I can teach you or I can learn from you or I can learn from anyone else (beyond my immediate circle) – Carpentry, video editing, mythology, basketball,…