What – Experiencing a water factory
Why – just like that
Many questions in mind (each one had 23 questions in their kitty) – the following questions were answered during the visit
What is the material used for bottle making?
Why do we need a high-pressure motor?
How can the bottle blow from small to big?
When did you start the company?
How much do you make a profit?
How does the water gets filtered?
How do you compete with other water companies as water does not have features to explain?
What if the water in borewell gets over?
How much water do you filter every day?
Are you happy with the profit you make?
What do you do with wastewater during the process?
Difference between hard and soft water?
How do you convince customers to buy your water?
How do you get ISO certified for water?
Is this business never-ending?
Actions during visit
Wondered how air pressure, heat is used in the bottle making process
Curious and excitement in collecting the water bottles coming out of machines
Shocked at the sound of air pressure machine
Tired and bored in understanding testing of water
Feeling of suffocation inside the test lab.
Gasping for fresh air.
Busy in putting labels to bottles and water cans
Pushing water cans after labeling.
Excited to see how laser printer prints date of manufacturing and expiry on bottles
How does the heat pressing sticks the sticker on bottles
Water filtering process
Shocked to hear every 3000 liters of filtered water creates 4500 liters of wastage water.
Relaxed to know Wastewater getting reused by tanker water by adding some proportion of raw water from the borewell.
Yummy food and Jamoons
Refreshing game of Hiding and seek.
Reflecting word game about factory visit
Water recycle e machines salt expand roof tasty aqua training sanitisation Acqua drinking galvanized perform a cap feeder compressor roller ozonated water feeder bottle cleaner scientist bottle blower can filler conveyor jar fill area chemical lab processing area bottle area sanitization bore well recharge product storage dressing chemical sodium magnesium minerals carbon sand big rocks charcoal hard water ozone heat hard water soft water taping machine.
Interviewing founder of water factory – Story started with Boredom to Business
Her journey started with an idea just to come out of Boredom and depression. She started this project with loads of struggles. The factory has completed its one year and she is satisfied with the growth. She started with a thought of satisfaction that earning 10000 monthly by my efforts is the gift for myself. She feels proud of her work when compared to other friends who work in companies with so many struggles and time-bound restrictions. She feels satisfied giving work to 10 – 20 people and the freedom to work at her comfort timings. She also said it’s challenging and lots to do for further progress.
Our Learning – unlimited, just like that!