I felt a child acting on my nerves (I here am facilitators)
The list was long of my discomfort with his behavior and attitudes and responses and actions and blah blah! (you know facilitators are also human, we also have many good days and many bad days)
Ah! I felt helpless and overwhelmed
I felt victim
I was taking all on my shoulders, I assumed as a facilitator it was only my responsibility.
I took the help of parents, parents were equally helpless and overwhelmed
So now we were more helpless and overwhelmed
We all felt a victim of being a mentor and parents
I forgot that the community exist (age doesn’t matter)
I decided to to take it off my shoulders
In helpmate asked for participation and taking responsibility of another member
If one person questioning, it’s too much
If many taking the responsibility, this gets divided (maths is so simple)
First, we spoke in helpmate
We spoke about our struggles to be able to take the responsibility
We spoke about our expectations
We listened to him
We were now more aware and sensitive
Now it wasn’t “I”, it was “WE”
It was not only my responsibility anymore
Next day community feedback
And the process continues…
Well, suddenly I felt so light and free
No helpless, only support
No victim, only journey
He is the same, he has his own journey to transform
But I am different
The magic of community participation, I found Buddha in me!