Scientific thinking is not about science, It’s about asking a question to think, but not to get answers. To come up with their own theories, conjectures, hypotheses, etc. To be not afraid that these be proved wrong, rather the whole idea is to come up with multiple theories and see which all are not suitable.
Who are our teachers? A space, a spark, an idea, a tool, a person, an event, or just a reason – Rwjeev working on computer programming, a parent at Aarohi decided to some time with kids exploring programming and that is all about his session exploring the computer as a machine.
What is a robot? What is a computer? A machine? With a specific purpose? Manipulating information? They take information and process it and produce output – much like brain processes the information! But is a computer brain? So it’s all about – Input-output, storage, processing and many many questions in our minds with Rajeev in Jaatre, a session.
Play games to experience scientific thinking – A game of ball and glass, and think in different ways – why the ball bounced, small bounced more, small fell down not the big one, standing or bending, the relationship between friction and movement, heavy, hollow, body stiff or moving, bounce, why bounce?
Play a game with the characters of Ramayana – Ram, Sita, and Ravan and wonder “why in the story there were not two characters – how the story would have changed if there were two Rams, two Sitas and two Ravanas?
Let’s talk scientifically – We all wake up in the morning and sleep in the morning – How about talking about sleep scientifically and thinking about a theory! It was not about what was the theory, but it was all about the act of thinking and that’s all!
Science of SLEEPINg and WAKING UP – If you eat a light meal, the morning will be easier and energetic. A balanced meal and good sleep leads to getting up early, We feel hungry after 10 hours of fasting, There is so much greenery around we just feel like sleeping more and dreaming of parotha, When it’s a day you need to work a lot and in the night you sleep, Whenever you sleep, you can wake up provided you train your mind (subconscious mind), Favorite song motivates you to wake up early
Scientific reasoning behind TEASING – Learn to tease, can teach you anything, Teasing is about taking anger, More power leads to more teasing, When one is teased leading to feeling bad, You become repulsive, if you tease, others will run away from you, Mindpower to block, Teasing a way to make yourself feel better by putting others, Benefits of teasing – get more blood when one laughs, keeps you healthy, Teasing is fun and people love fun
Science of HAND ON WORK – Directly improve brain, Hands-on to theory and vice versa, Exercise to your brain, because use both hands, Get third person’s perspective, Adopt the skill, Learn the skills, Gives you energy, use for exercising and get six packs, Build interest to get energy
And THAT’S ALL about a spark in scientific thinking!
These two girls sang every day, getting up at 5 in the morning, singing on review rock.
Every day it rained after they sang
Is there a connection between rain and music?
Listen to them to try this experiment!